English Collection


ply the waters

2022年11月14日 | 英単語
ラグビーの話ですが、イングランドはやはり強かったですね。ディフェンスが早いので日本は全く攻めることができず完敗です。 さて、桐野 夏生の "Grotesque" を読んでいます。

Who would like to see dead? My mother, Kamei, the office manager--lots and lots of people. I though. So many I can't even remember their faces now, let alone their names. I don't really like anyone. And I've never been loved by anyone. I suddenly realized I simply ply the waters of the night on my own. I could well imagine the way Zhang's younger sister looked as she lifted her hand above the surface of the dark sea.

"ply the waters of the night" の個所の意味が分かりません。 "ply" はこれまでにも幾つか取り上げましたが覚えにくい単語です。
6/24/2011: to go or travel regularly over
7/31/2012: apply oneself diligently: “Ply one's trade”
6/29/2017: ply someone with something
5/13/2021: plies to Tokio

良く考えると6/24/20115/13/2021は同じ様な例ですね。7/31/2012の意味は今回の例と意味が近い感じがします。 日本語の原文がどうなっているのかを後で調べようと思います。
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