English Collection



2023年03月23日 | 英単語
"The 100-Year Life" を読んでいます。 次の文は 'time' の章からの引用です。

Many of our current concepts of time, including how leisure is defined and used, emerged with the Industrial Revolution. The timing of agricultural work - episodic and slow-paced - did not translate well into a factory context.

"episode" は日本語にもなっていますが、形容詞の "episodic" はどんな意味でしょうか? 辞書を見ます。

・Oxford English Dictionary: happening occasionally and not at regular intervals: Volcanic activity is highly episodic in nature.
・Collins Dictionary: Something that is episodic occurs at irregular and infrequent intervals.[formal]: ...episodic attacks of fever.
・Cambridge English Dictionary: happening only sometimes and not regularly: The war between these two countries has been long-drawn-out and episodic.
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