English Collection



2023年04月03日 | 英単語
BBC News Website (Feb.21)からの引用です。

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has criticised changes to Roald Dahl books, after the removal of some references to things like characters' appearance and weight sparked a fierce debate.
Dahl's estate and publisher said works including The BFG and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory had been updated to be more suitable for modern audiences.
Some said they approved of the changes.
But Mr Sunak's spokesman said works of fiction should be "preserved and not airbrushed".

一種のpolitically correctの様ですが、Roald Dahlの作品の表現が一部変更されたと言う話題ですね。 "airbrushed" だと文字より落書きなどの絵を描いたり、消すのに使用する事を連想します。 辞書にこの様な例があるか見ます。

・Collins Dictionary: To airbrush a photograph or other image means to change it using an airbrush, especially to make it more beautiful or perfect.: ...bits of photographs cut, pasted and then airbrushed to create a convincing whole.

やはり普通はイメージを変更したり消すのに使用されるのでしょうね。 イメージ以外に使われる例も以下の辞書にあることはありました。
・Cambridge English Dictionary: to represent something as being different from how it really is: It's almost as if the revolutionary leaders have been airbrushed out of history (= ignored by the official version of history ).
・Urban Dictionary: This is used when something is twisted slightly to make it sound better.: John told his mother he went to his mates house for dvd night, but realy he went to his mates house for a party with alchohol.
・Wiktionary: (by extension) Having had imperfections and blemishes removed through digital manipulation.
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