English Collection



2023年04月08日 | 英単語
Yu Miri の小説 "Tokyo Ueno Station" を読んでいます。

In the twenty or so plastic checkout bags tied to the railing separating the road and the pavement were someone's daily necessities, hung there for storage. The handle of a damp unbrella was hooked over the top of the rail, and a bamboo broom was stuck through as well. A blue tarp covered a trolley laden with blankets, clothes, pots, and more, and on the handhold of the cart, plastic shopping bags full of rope and work gloves and pastries were attached with laundry pegs.

"trolley" というと昔東京でも見かけたトロリーバスを連想します。 路面電車は今でも地方で見かけることもありますが、東京にもまだ荒川線が存在しています。 引用文の "trolley" はそんな乗り物ではなく、文脈からするとホームレスが自分の所有物の一切を運ぶカートのことでしょうね。 辞書で確認します。

・Oxford English Dictionary: a small vehicle with wheels that can be pushed or pulled along and is used for carrying things: a shopping/supermarket/luggage trolley
・Collins Dictionary: A trolley is an object with wheels that you use to transport heavy things such as shopping or luggage. [British]: A porter relieved her of the three large cases she had been pushing on a trolley.
・Cambridge English Dictionary: a small vehicle with two or four wheels that you push or pull to transport large or heavy objects on: a shopping trolley

イギリス英語ですね。 翻訳者のMorgan Gilesさんはロンドン在住とありました。
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