読んだことはありませんが太宰治の有名な小説 "No Longer Human" を読むことにしました。 翻訳者は有名な文化勲章受章のDonald Keene氏です。
The second girl interested in me was a "comrade," a student in a teacher's training college. My activities in the movement obliged me, distasteful as it was, to see her every day. Even after the arrangements for the day's job had been completed, she doggedly tagged along after me. She brought me presents, seemingly at random, and offered them with the words, "I wish you would think of me as your real sister."
Wincing at the affectation I would answer, "I do," and force a sad little smile. I was afraid of angering her, and my only thought was to temporize somehow and put her off. As a result, I spent more and more time dancing attendance of the ugly, disagreeable girl.
"temporize" の意味を辞書で調べます。
・Collins Dictionary: If you say that someone is temporizing, you mean that they keep doing unimportant things in order to delay something important such as making a decision or stating their real opinion.: They are still temporizing in the face of what can only be described as a disaster.
・Cambridge English Dictionary: to delay making a decision or stating your opinion in order to get an advantage: They are trying to temporize, to do little things to satisfy both sides.
・Vocabulary.com: The verb temporize describes stalling in order to gain time in the hopes of avoiding or preventing something. Your class might temporize so your teacher won't have time to give the pop quiz you all think she's going to give.