English Collection


hoary ages

2024年10月16日 | 英単語
Okakura Kakuzoの "The Book of Tea" を読んでいます。
今日取り上げる単語は "Art Appreciation" の章からの引用です。

Have you heard the Taoist tale of the Taming of the Harp?
Once in the hoary ages in the Ravine of Lungmen stood a Kiri tree, a veritable king of the forest. It reared its head to talk to the stars; its roots struck deep into the earth, mingling their bronzed coils with those of the silver dragon that slept beneath. And it came to pass that a mighty wizard made of this tree a wondrous harp, whose stubborn spirit should be tamed but by the greatest of musicians. For long the instrument was treasured by the Emperor of China, but all in vain were the efforts of those who in turn tried to draw melody from its strings. In response to their utmost strivings there came from the harp but harsh notes of disdain, ill-according with the songs they fain would sing. The harp refused to recognise a master.

"hoary ages" の "hoary" を調べます。

・Oxford English Dictionary: (old-fashioned) very old and well known and therefore no longer interesting: a hoary old joke
・Collins Dictionary: If you describe a problem or subject as hoary, you mean that it is old and familiar.: ...the hoary old myth that increased competition will drive up standards.
・Cambridge English Dictionary: very old and familiar and therefore not interesting or funny: He told a few hoary old jokes and nobody laughed.

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