'50 Psychology Ideas You Really Need to Know' by Adrian Furnhamを読んでいます。
"Tabula rasa" の章から引用します。
'One of the most fundamental tenets of Marxism and of communist doctrines is that the personalities of people are shaped by their economic class and by their role in the class struggle which is about as environmentalistic a position as can be imagined.' George Albee, 1982
The tabula rasa or blank-state hypothesis is that people are born with no genetic, innate or evolutionary content or processes that develop, or come out, over time. Rather they are a blank state, an empty disk, onto which writing or data are stored so that their personal experiences determine who they are, what they become and what they believe.
この英語らしくない "tabula rasa" は 'blank-state hypothesis' の意味と文中にありますが、 私にはもう少し説明が欲しい。辞書を見ます。
・Oxford English Dictionary: the human mind as it is at birth, with no ideas or thoughts in it
・Collins Dictionary: (esp in the philosophy of Locke) the mind in its uninformed original state: used esp. of the mind when regarded as blank until impressions are recorded upon it by experience
・Vocabulary.com: Use the noun tabula rasa to describe the chance to start fresh, like when a student's family moves and she gets to begin the year at a brand new school with a completely blank slate.
An opportunity to begin again with no record, history, or preconceived ideas is one kind of tabula rasa. Architects use the term to describe the place where a torn-down building once stood, which they now see as an opportunity to start over with a new, better, structure. The Latin literally means "scraped tablet," sort of an old-fashioned Etch A Sketch ready to be drawn on.
"Tabula rasa" の章から引用します。
'One of the most fundamental tenets of Marxism and of communist doctrines is that the personalities of people are shaped by their economic class and by their role in the class struggle which is about as environmentalistic a position as can be imagined.' George Albee, 1982
The tabula rasa or blank-state hypothesis is that people are born with no genetic, innate or evolutionary content or processes that develop, or come out, over time. Rather they are a blank state, an empty disk, onto which writing or data are stored so that their personal experiences determine who they are, what they become and what they believe.
この英語らしくない "tabula rasa" は 'blank-state hypothesis' の意味と文中にありますが、 私にはもう少し説明が欲しい。辞書を見ます。
・Oxford English Dictionary: the human mind as it is at birth, with no ideas or thoughts in it
・Collins Dictionary: (esp in the philosophy of Locke) the mind in its uninformed original state: used esp. of the mind when regarded as blank until impressions are recorded upon it by experience
・Vocabulary.com: Use the noun tabula rasa to describe the chance to start fresh, like when a student's family moves and she gets to begin the year at a brand new school with a completely blank slate.
An opportunity to begin again with no record, history, or preconceived ideas is one kind of tabula rasa. Architects use the term to describe the place where a torn-down building once stood, which they now see as an opportunity to start over with a new, better, structure. The Latin literally means "scraped tablet," sort of an old-fashioned Etch A Sketch ready to be drawn on.