Gary Marcus and Ernest Davisの "Rebooting AI" を読んでいます。
Neroscience paints an even more complex picture, in which hundreds of different areas of the brain each with its own distinct function coalesce in differing patterns to perform any one computation. While the old factoid about using only 10 percent of your brain isn't true, it is true that brain activity is metabolically costly, and we rarely if ever use the entire brain at once. Instead, everything that we do requires a different subset of our brain resources, and in any given moment, some brain areas will be idle, while others are active.
"factoid" は2017年に2度も取り上げていました。(1/11/2017 11/10/2017) "fact" に接尾語の "-toid" が付いているので、事実のようだが事実ではないことを示唆していますね。
Neroscience paints an even more complex picture, in which hundreds of different areas of the brain each with its own distinct function coalesce in differing patterns to perform any one computation. While the old factoid about using only 10 percent of your brain isn't true, it is true that brain activity is metabolically costly, and we rarely if ever use the entire brain at once. Instead, everything that we do requires a different subset of our brain resources, and in any given moment, some brain areas will be idle, while others are active.
"factoid" は2017年に2度も取り上げていました。(1/11/2017 11/10/2017) "fact" に接尾語の "-toid" が付いているので、事実のようだが事実ではないことを示唆していますね。