Gary Marcus and Ernest Davisの "Rebooting AI" を読んでいます。
Silicon Valley entrepreneurs often aspire to "move fast and break things"; the mantra is "Get a working product on the market before someone beats you to it; and then worry about problem later." The downside is that a product created this way often works at one scale, but needs to be wholly rewritten when the situation changes; or it works for the demo, but not the real world. This is known as "technical debt": you get a first, sometimes bug ridden, version of the product you want; but you often have to pay later, with interest, in making the system robust, rooting out stopgaps and rebuilding foundations.
会社で海外のメーカーの製品を取り扱っていますが、あるカナダのメーカーが出す新製品の仕様は優れているがトラブルが多く、クレームの連続で、対策は後手後手です。 さて "stopgaps" の意味を調べます。
・Oxford English Dictionary: something that you use or do for a short time while you are looking for something better: The arrangement was only intended as a stopgap.
・Collins Dictionary: A stopgap is something that serves a purpose for a short time, but is replaced as soon as possible.: Gone are the days when work was just a stopgap between leaving school and getting married.
・Cambridge English Dictionary: something intended for temporary use until something better or more suitable can be found: Hostels are used as a stopgap until the families can find permanent accommodation.
Silicon Valley entrepreneurs often aspire to "move fast and break things"; the mantra is "Get a working product on the market before someone beats you to it; and then worry about problem later." The downside is that a product created this way often works at one scale, but needs to be wholly rewritten when the situation changes; or it works for the demo, but not the real world. This is known as "technical debt": you get a first, sometimes bug ridden, version of the product you want; but you often have to pay later, with interest, in making the system robust, rooting out stopgaps and rebuilding foundations.
会社で海外のメーカーの製品を取り扱っていますが、あるカナダのメーカーが出す新製品の仕様は優れているがトラブルが多く、クレームの連続で、対策は後手後手です。 さて "stopgaps" の意味を調べます。
・Oxford English Dictionary: something that you use or do for a short time while you are looking for something better: The arrangement was only intended as a stopgap.
・Collins Dictionary: A stopgap is something that serves a purpose for a short time, but is replaced as soon as possible.: Gone are the days when work was just a stopgap between leaving school and getting married.
・Cambridge English Dictionary: something intended for temporary use until something better or more suitable can be found: Hostels are used as a stopgap until the families can find permanent accommodation.