English Collection


play of color

2020年06月23日 | 英単語
新型コロナの影響により図書館が長い間利用できない期間があったので、20年以上前に買ってほとんど読まなかった 529ページもある 'Merriam-Webster's Vocabulary Builder' を読み始めました。
iridescentは知っている単語ですが、その説明文に出てきた "play" が気になりました。
iridescent: Having a glowing, rainbowlike play of color that seems to change as the light shifts
Iris, the Greek goddess of the rainbow, took messages from Mount Olympus to earth, and from gods to mortals or other gods, using the rainbow as her stair way.
Iridescence is thus the glowing, shifting, colorful quality of a rainbow, also seen in an opal, a light oil slick, a butterfly wing, or the mother-of-pearl that lines an oyster shell.
"play" を辞書で確認します。
・Vocabulary.com: a weak and tremulous light: "the play of light on the water”
・WordNet: a weak and tremulous light; "the shimmer of colors on iridescent feathers"; "the play of light on the water"
この "play" は動詞でも次の例が出ていました。
・Macmillan Dictionary: if something such as light plays somewhere, it moves quickly over a surface, appearing in different places for a very short time: Moonlight played on the surface of the lake.
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