English Collection



2023年09月19日 | 英単語
Harper Leeの 'To Kill a Mockingbird' を読んでいます。

“You were a little to the right, Mr. Finch,” he called. “Always was,” answered Atticus. “If I had my ‘druthers I’d take a shotgun.”
"Jem, she's old and ill. You can't hold her responsible for what she says and does. Of course, I'd rather she'd have said it to me than to either of you, but we can't always have our 'druthers"

"'druthers" はどの辞書にも見当たりません。 "druthers" で調べたらありました。

・Oxford English Dictionary: used to say what you would prefer if you could choose: If I had my druthers I wouldn't be going to this meeting.
・Wiktionary: (US, informal, often jocular) Would rather; would prefer to: I druther stay home today.

Meaning: If I had my preference.
Origin: This is an American phrase which originated in the late 19th century. Druthers is a shortening of 'would rathers'.
It was first cited in the January 1870 edition of Overland monthly and Out West magazine, in a story called Centrepole Bill, by George F. Emery: "If I was a youngster, I 'drather set up in any perfession but a circus-driver, but a man can't always have his 'drathers."
Druthers, as opposed to its earlier variant drathers, is traced back to 1876 in Dialect Notes: "Bein's I caint have my druthers an' set still, I cal'late I'd better pearten up an' go 'long."


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