English Collection


Sachi Parker

2015年07月28日 | 英語の本を読む

Out on a Limbの著者、Shirley Mackaine、はアカデミー主演賞を取った女優で、娘の名前はサチとありました。
They reminded me of the cherry trees my former husband Steve and I had had in his house in Japan before our divorce.
We remained friends as we raised our daughter Sachi, who spent the first seven years of her life with me in America, the next six in an international school in Japan, and her remaining school years in Switzerland and England. She learned to speak and read and write fluent Japanese (which meant she could read most any Oriental language) and she began to think and perceive like an Oriental, which was sometimes amusing because Sachi is a freckle-faced blonde with the map of Ireland written on her face and the loping arms and legs of a Westerner, which she somehow manages to orchestrate as though she's wearing a restrictive kimono and obi when she walks and sits.

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