Sean B. Carrollの 'The Serengeti Rules' を読んでいます。
Like Elton's pyramid, HSS pictured the food chain as subdivided into different levels according to the food each consumed (known as trophic levels). At the bottom were the decomposers that degrade organic debris; above them were the producers, the plants that relied on sunlight, rain and soil nutrients; at the next level were the consumers, the herbivores that are plants; and above them the predators that are the herbivores. (HSS は三人の学者の頭文字)
"trophic" は 'The Serengeti Rules' の中で何度も出てくるので覚えたい単語です。
・Oxford English Dictionary: Relating to feeding and nutrition.: We also combined taxa into four functional groups based on known trophic positions and feeding preferences: primary producers, herbivores, bacterivores, or predators.
・Collins Dictionary: of or relating to nutrition: the trophic levels of a food chain
Like Elton's pyramid, HSS pictured the food chain as subdivided into different levels according to the food each consumed (known as trophic levels). At the bottom were the decomposers that degrade organic debris; above them were the producers, the plants that relied on sunlight, rain and soil nutrients; at the next level were the consumers, the herbivores that are plants; and above them the predators that are the herbivores. (HSS は三人の学者の頭文字)
"trophic" は 'The Serengeti Rules' の中で何度も出てくるので覚えたい単語です。
・Oxford English Dictionary: Relating to feeding and nutrition.: We also combined taxa into four functional groups based on known trophic positions and feeding preferences: primary producers, herbivores, bacterivores, or predators.
・Collins Dictionary: of or relating to nutrition: the trophic levels of a food chain