今日もReader's Digest 12/1月合併号の記事 "I have no idea how to fly this plane" 昨日の続きから引用します。
Then the room's loudspeaker crackles to life. It's Harrison. "I'm on the ground. How do I stop this thing?"
Morgan hits the radio call button: "Use the toe brakes--nice, gently!"
Harrison, still barefoot, presses the tops of pedals gently and brings the plane to a stop, smack-dab in the middle of the runway, 25 minutes after taking the controls.
"smack-dab" の意味を調べます。
・Wiktionary: (slang) Exactly in a place, especially the middle; directly; precisely; dead-center.: I tossed the water balloon and it landed smack-dab on the top of his head.
・Cambridge English Dictionary: exactly in a place or at a time: You called smack dab in the middle of dinner.
・Farlex Dictionary of Idioms: Directly; exactly at a particular place. Usually used to emphasize a prepositional phrase of location, especially "in the middle.": There I was, smack-dab in the middle of Taiwan with no money and no way to contact my family.
"smack-dab in the middle of" の形で使われることが多いようですね。
Then the room's loudspeaker crackles to life. It's Harrison. "I'm on the ground. How do I stop this thing?"
Morgan hits the radio call button: "Use the toe brakes--nice, gently!"
Harrison, still barefoot, presses the tops of pedals gently and brings the plane to a stop, smack-dab in the middle of the runway, 25 minutes after taking the controls.
"smack-dab" の意味を調べます。
・Wiktionary: (slang) Exactly in a place, especially the middle; directly; precisely; dead-center.: I tossed the water balloon and it landed smack-dab on the top of his head.
・Cambridge English Dictionary: exactly in a place or at a time: You called smack dab in the middle of dinner.
・Farlex Dictionary of Idioms: Directly; exactly at a particular place. Usually used to emphasize a prepositional phrase of location, especially "in the middle.": There I was, smack-dab in the middle of Taiwan with no money and no way to contact my family.
"smack-dab in the middle of" の形で使われることが多いようですね。