English Collection


in one piece

2016年08月24日 | 英語の本を読む

Grishamの短編小説集Ford Countyの中のMichael's Roomを読んでいます。
The road ended at a highway, and when they turned south, Stanley saw a marker for State Route 374, an old winding trail that connected Clanton with the smaller town of Karraway. Five minutes later they turned onto a city street, then zigzagged into the southern section of town. Stanley soaked up the familiar sights -- a school to the right, a church to the left, a cheap strip mall owned by a man he'd once defended. Stanley was back in Clanton, back home, and he was almost elated. Confused, but thrilled to be alive and still in one piece.
最後に出てきた慣用句らしき " in one piece" が分からないので辞書を見ます。
・Oxford English Dictionary: Unharmed or undamaged, especially after a dangerous experience.: When you meddle with them, you are lucky if you come out all in one piece.
・Cambridge English Dictionary: not damaged: The radio had been stolen, but otherwise we got the car back (all) in one piece.
・Cambridge Dictionary of American Idioms: not injured or damaged I'm glad the kids arrived home in one piece from school.
Etymology: based on the idea of an object that is not broken

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