English Collection


run aground

2024年12月04日 | 英単語
Natsuo Kirinoの "OUT" を読んでいます。

Had she been planning to use that? Maybe she'd told them about it to get them to go along with the scheme. But then why had they cut up the body? In order to get the insurance money, they needed a positive ID on the victim. Another dead end. And then there was the problem of a motive; his pet theory seemed to run aground on that reef as well. He remembered how shocked Yamamoto had looked when they'd shown her the photos of her husband's body.

"run aground" の意味を調べます。

・Oxford English Dictionary: if a ship runs/goes aground, it touches the ground in shallow water and cannot move: The oil tanker ran/went aground off the Spanish coast.
・Collins Dictionary: If a ship runs aground, it touches the ground in a shallow part of a river, lake, or the sea, and gets stuck.: The ship ran aground where there should have been a depth of 35ft.
・Cambridge English Dictionary: If a boat or ship is aground, it is unable to move because it is touching ground or in a place where there is very little water: The ship is currently aground off the Brittany coast.

"run aground" は比喩で、その前に使われている表現 "dead end" と同じ意味ですね。

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