Eugen Herrigelの "Zen in the Art of Archery" を読んでいます。
He gets to know all the technical possibilities by which his life may be endangered in combat, and although he soon becomes capable of straining his attention to the utmost, of keeping a sharp watch on his opponent, of parrying his thrusts correctly and making effective lunges, he is really worse off than before, when half in jest and half in earnest, he struck about him at random under the inspiration of the moment and as the joy of battle suggested.
"parrying" の意味を原型の "parry" で調べます。
・Oxford English Dictionary: to defend yourself against somebody who is attacking you by pushing their arm, weapon, etc. to one side: The shot was parried by the goalie.
・Collins Dictionary: If you parry a blow from someone who is attacking you, you push aside their arm or weapon so that you are not hurt.: I parried, and that's when my sword broke.
・Cambridge English Dictionary: the act of blocking an attack by pushing a weapon away or putting something between your body and a weapon: The parry is intended to deflect an attack.
"parry" は10年前(5/28/2014)に読んだ "Fahrenheit 451" で初めて知った単語です。
He gets to know all the technical possibilities by which his life may be endangered in combat, and although he soon becomes capable of straining his attention to the utmost, of keeping a sharp watch on his opponent, of parrying his thrusts correctly and making effective lunges, he is really worse off than before, when half in jest and half in earnest, he struck about him at random under the inspiration of the moment and as the joy of battle suggested.
"parrying" の意味を原型の "parry" で調べます。
・Oxford English Dictionary: to defend yourself against somebody who is attacking you by pushing their arm, weapon, etc. to one side: The shot was parried by the goalie.
・Collins Dictionary: If you parry a blow from someone who is attacking you, you push aside their arm or weapon so that you are not hurt.: I parried, and that's when my sword broke.
・Cambridge English Dictionary: the act of blocking an attack by pushing a weapon away or putting something between your body and a weapon: The parry is intended to deflect an attack.
"parry" は10年前(5/28/2014)に読んだ "Fahrenheit 451" で初めて知った単語です。