今はJohn Grishamの短編小説集Ford Countyの中のQuiet Havenを読んでいます。
We ramble about this and that, more gossip about people I'll never meet. I toy with the drink, but I'm afraid not to consume most of it. She's questioned my manhood on several occasions when I tried to slip by without fully enjoying the bourbon.
"Say, Miss Ruby, did you ever know a man by the name of Lyle Spurlock?" I ask during a lull.
It takes quite a while for her to recall all the men she's known, but Lyle eventually does not make the cut. "Afraid not, dear. Why?"
さて、上の引用箇所に出てきた慣用句 "make the cut" の意味を調べます。
・Wiktionary: To succeed at something or meet a requirement; to be chosen out of a field of candidates or possibilities. Out of a pool of twenty applicants, only 3 made the cut.
Etymology: From the sport of golf, in which players are said to make the cut when they match or exceed a certain score, thus avoiding elimination during the final two rounds of a four-round tournament.
miner's lettuce 1年前
meme 2年前
head calls 2年前
cutworm 4年前
X-ray machine 8年前
hush puppies 9年前
Things I Hate 9年前
fence straddling 9年前
irrupt 11年前
ロマネスク収穫 11年前