桐野夏生の "OUT" を読み終えました。想像を絶する事件でした。後半は結末をどう締めるのか気になりましたが、普通この様な悪いことをした人は、死んで終わりと想像していましたが、海外に逃げることを示唆して終わりましたね。確かに、死体をバラバラにしたり、悪いことをした後外国に逃げる話は実際にニュースで聞き実際にあることなのですね。
さて、Reader's Digest 10月号を読んでいます。Department of Witの記事から引用します。
"Why don't you write an article about mansplaining?"
"Did you know that mansplaining is a portmanteau of man and explaining and describe the act in which a man provides a condescending explanation of something to a woman who already understands it?"
"Well, did you know this? Women such as yourself don't much care for mansplaining."
"mansplaining" の意味は記事内に説明がありますが、辞書でも確認します。
"mansplain/mansplaining" の項目がありました。
・Merriam-Webster: (of a man) to explain something to a woman in a condescending way that assumes she has no knowledge about the topic: Try your best not to ‘mansplain’ everything and just listen to women.
・Wiktionary: To explain (something) condescendingly (to a female listener), especially to explain something the listener already knows, presuming that she has an inferior understanding of it merely because she is female.: Positioning himself as the white guy mansplaining to a black woman what’s best for her,...
さて、Reader's Digest 10月号を読んでいます。Department of Witの記事から引用します。
"Why don't you write an article about mansplaining?"
"Did you know that mansplaining is a portmanteau of man and explaining and describe the act in which a man provides a condescending explanation of something to a woman who already understands it?"
"Well, did you know this? Women such as yourself don't much care for mansplaining."
"mansplaining" の意味は記事内に説明がありますが、辞書でも確認します。
"mansplain/mansplaining" の項目がありました。
・Merriam-Webster: (of a man) to explain something to a woman in a condescending way that assumes she has no knowledge about the topic: Try your best not to ‘mansplain’ everything and just listen to women.
・Wiktionary: To explain (something) condescendingly (to a female listener), especially to explain something the listener already knows, presuming that she has an inferior understanding of it merely because she is female.: Positioning himself as the white guy mansplaining to a black woman what’s best for her,...