English Collection


five times removed

2023年10月05日 | 英単語
Harper Leeの "To Kill a Mockingbird" を読んでいます。

The bass drum went boom with every sentence Mrs. Merriweather uttered. She chanted mournfully about Maycomb County being older than the state, that it was a part of the Mississippi and Alabama Territories, that the first white man to set foot in the virgin forest was the Probate Jedge's great-grand father five times removed, who was never heard of again.

この "five times removed" は前に(8/21/2010)取り上げた "cousin once removed" の意味と関連があると思いますが、辞書で確認します。

・Collins Dictionary: distant by a given number of degrees of descent or kinship: A first cousin once removed is the child of one's first cousin: The grandchildren of one's first cousin are one's first cousins twice removed
・Cambridge English Dictionary: used to refer to a cousin (= a relation) separated from you by one, two, etc. generations (= same family age groups): She's my first cousin once removed.

私はこの手の表現は日本語でも苦手です。 親戚が少ないせいでしょう。
"To Kill a Mockingbird" を読み終えました。 数年に1度しか出会わない素晴らしい小説で、お勧め出来る内容の小説です。

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