Kazuo Ishiguroの "When We Were Orphants" を読んでいます。
かなり前(8/2/2011)に覚えた "grain" が次の様に出てきました。
It had split cleanly along the grain of the wood, but the two pieces were lying there side by side; I could see also part of the lattice-work by which it had once been fixed to the front entrance.
ここでは "grain of the wood" は木目となります。英英辞書での説明を下記に引用します。
・Oxford English Dictionary: The longitudinal arrangement or pattern of fibers in wood, paper, etc.: ‘he scored along the grain of the table with the knife’
・Cambridge English Dictionary: the natural patterns of lines in the surface of wood or cloth: to cut something along/against the grain
以前(10/20/2015)"go against the grain" なる表現も取り上げましたね。
- miner's lettuce 9ヶ月前
- meme 2年前
- head calls 2年前
- cutworm 4年前
- X-ray machine 8年前
- hush puppies 8年前
- Things I Hate 8年前
- fence straddling 9年前
- irrupt 10年前
- ロマネスク収穫 11年前