English Collection


half sister

2024年11月04日 | 英単語
Reader's Digest 9月号の記事 "Life in these United States" からの引用です。

My sister-in-law has two daughters, one from a previous marriage and one with my brother. One day, she took the girls, ages 3 and 1, to a church banquet. There, a woman stopped the two girls and asked the older one, "Is that your half sister?"
Her reply: "Oh, no, she's all there. She's just little."


・Collins Dictionary: Someone's half-sister is a girl or woman who has either the same mother or the same father as they have.: My half-sister is a decade older than me and we have had a tricky relationship.
・Cambridge English Dictionary: a sister who is the daughter of only one of your parents: They may be a stepson, a half-brother, or a half-sister.
・Merriam-Webster: a sister related through one parent only: Emily is my half sister.

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