English Collection



2011年12月28日 | 英語学習
Never Let Me Goの主人公達がいた施設にやって来る車は多くなかったようで、たまに車がくると授業中のクラスは "bedlam" になると次ぎの個所に書かれています。
Days could sometimes go by without us seeing a vehicle coming down that narrow road, and the ones that did were usually vans or lorries bringing supplies, gardeners or workmen. A car was a rarity, and the sight of one in the distance was sometimes enough to cause bedlam during a class.
"bedlam" がそわそわ程度なのか、それとももっと大騒ぎなのか分からないので辞書を見ます。
・Cambridge Dictionaries Online: a noisy situation with no order: It was bedlam at the football ground after the match was suspended.
・Vocabulary.com: Bedlam is a scene of madness, chaos or great confusion. If you allow football fans onto the field after the big game, it will be pure bedlam.The term bedlam comes from the name of a hospital in London, “Saint Mary of Bethlehem,” which was devoted to treating the mentally ill in the 1400's. Over time, the pronunciation of “Bethlehem” morphed into bedlam and the term came to be applied to any situation where pandemonium prevails. The trading floor at the New York Stock Exchange appears to be bedlam, but the traders insist it’s organized chaos.
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