Reader's Digest 9月号の記事 "Lazy at Its Finest" からの引用です。
When we were first married, our TV had no remote. Some nights I'd be so comfy I din't want to get up and change it. I'd call "I need a kiss!" to my husband and he'd come running to kiss me. After, I'd say, "Since you're up, will you change the channel for me?"
3/18/2011に取り上げた "Lazy Susan" を思い出しました。
When we were first married, our TV had no remote. Some nights I'd be so comfy I din't want to get up and change it. I'd call "I need a kiss!" to my husband and he'd come running to kiss me. After, I'd say, "Since you're up, will you change the channel for me?"
3/18/2011に取り上げた "Lazy Susan" を思い出しました。