English Collection


holding court

2021年06月08日 | 英単語
Reader's Digest 4月号の記事 "Life in these United States" からの引用です。

I had to rethink where I ranked in my familiy's hierarchy when my sister and I found our dad holding court amid friends at a party.
"Oh, gentlemen," he said, pointing to my sister. "Let me introduce you to my daughter Terri. And this," he said, motioning to me, "is my daughter Terri's sister, Gayle."

熟語の様な "holding court" の意味を調べます。

・Oxford English Dictionary: Be the center of attention amidst a crowd of one's admirers.: Lewis was holding court in the small dressing room.
・Collins English Dictionary: to preside over admirers, attendants, etc: She used to hold court in the college canteen with a host of admirers who hung on her every word.
・Cambridge English Dictionary: to receive a lot of attention from other people who stand or sit around you to listen, especially on a social occasion: Patrick is holding court at the end table.

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