Ernest Hemingwayの短編小説 'The Short Happy Life' からの引用です。
"Could I have a drink of water?" Macomber asked. Wilson spoke to the older gun-bearer, who wore a canteen on his belt, and the man unbuckled it, unscrewed the top and handed it to Macomber, who took it noticing how heavy it seemed and how hairy and shoddy the felt covering was in his hand.
"canteen" とくると食堂しか思い浮かばないのですが、上記の "canteen" は文脈からして、どう見ても水筒ですね。水筒の意味で使われている "canteen" は既に(9/10/2013)取り上げていました。
"Could I have a drink of water?" Macomber asked. Wilson spoke to the older gun-bearer, who wore a canteen on his belt, and the man unbuckled it, unscrewed the top and handed it to Macomber, who took it noticing how heavy it seemed and how hairy and shoddy the felt covering was in his hand.
"canteen" とくると食堂しか思い浮かばないのですが、上記の "canteen" は文脈からして、どう見ても水筒ですね。水筒の意味で使われている "canteen" は既に(9/10/2013)取り上げていました。