English Collection


high on the hog

2024年12月07日 | 英単語
Natsuo Kirinoの "OUT" を読んでいます。

"Don't worry about it," Yoshie told her, patting her ample shoulder. "We all had a bad time."
"So you really got \500,000?"
"I really did," Yoshie nodded. But Kuniko noticed she avoided her eyes. She's lying, she thought.
"Then how can you afford to be living so high on the hog?"
"High on the hog? What are you talking about?" she said, astonished.
"I'm talking about all the things you've been doing. It looks to me as though you got more than \500,000."

"hog" に豚の意味があるのは知っていますが、"high on the hog" だとどんな意味になるのでしょうか? 辞書を見ます。

・Wiktionary: Well off; living comfortably or extravagantly due to great wealth or financial security.: Ever since his promotion, they’ve been living high on the hog.
・Merriam-Webster: in a luxurious style: Those movie stars live pretty high on the hog.
・Urban Dictionary: Living life to it's fullest extent.: I just bought a Mercedes-Benz, now I am living high on the hog.

語源についてはこんな記述もありました。(Phrase Finder): "The source of this phrase is often said to be the fact that the best cuts of meat on a pig come from the back and upper leg and that the wealthy ate cuts from ‘high on the hog’, while the paupers ate belly pork and trotters. ..." 説明はこの後も続き長いので引用しませんが、興味のある方は "Phrase Finder" を見て下さい。

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