English Collection


Managers versus Metrologists

2010年08月12日 | 英語学習
勤め先が精密計測機を扱っている関係で、ある米国の計測器メーカーのサイトを見ていたら、Just for Funというページがあり、計測に関係するジョークが幾つか載っていました。 次ぎの文はその一つです。 
A group of managers were asked to measure the height of a flagpole. They fetched a ladder and tape measure and headed to the flagpole to perform their task. They weren't having much luck because they kept dropping the tape measure and falling off the ladder.
Observing what they were attempting to do, a metrologist approached them and offered to help. He pulled the flagpole out of the ground, laid it down flat, measured it from one end to the other, gave the measurements to one of the managers and walked away.
After the metrologist had gone, one of the managers turned to the others and said, "Well, isn't that just like a metrologist? We're looking for the height of the flagpole and he tells us the length."

Note: Metrologists perform metrology work involving precision measurement and comparison of physical quantities such as mass, length, time, force, speed, voltage and current;.Metrology is the scientific study of measurement.
最後のオチは上の注だけではまだ分からない方もいると思うので補足します。ある物理量を計測する際、ほとんどの場合は直接その物理量を計測するのではなく、その物理量の変化と関係する(単純なケースは比例)物理量を計測することから来ています。 例えば、温度を測るのに水銀柱の温度計を使用しますが、これは温度ではなく水銀柱の高さを測っているのです。 水平思考を思い起す話でした。
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