文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

the TV industry people and liberal leftist, it lacks a sense of pain with surprisingly non- justice.

2016年03月01日 22時48分01秒 | 日記

The following is the sequel of the preceding chapter.

It should attempt to imagine a converse.

If only Abe administration praise is discharged a report program in whichever bureau it sees, the liberal and left-wing must continue to be shrieked in "the death of the democracy" like distraction.

No, let's say clearly beforehand.

I also, it would be discourse even close to my position, TV is like the Imperial Rule Assistance Association, I dislike living in the unpleasant country, such as that praise to it one color.

This pathological pros and cons balance has revealed that the people in the TV industry people and liberal leftist, it lacks a sense of pain with surprisingly non- justice.

This article continues.

if you can see, the extreme bias is seen in the pros and cons ratio to each station together

2016年03月01日 22時19分17秒 | 日記

The following is from the paper which the Mr. Eitaro Ogawa who released an excellent paper about Sayuri Yoshinaga in the recentness, monthly magazine "the sound argument" is announcing to the number of April of monthly magazine "WiLL".

That I've come to mention it is perfectly right about the severity of the news station of the TV Asahi and News 23 of TBS, it has been proven numerically and physically.

Statement emphasized other than masthead is me.

It doesn't permit the illegal reports!  Eitaro Ogawa

"The social ill-formedness" of TBS

The totalitarianism by the TV

First, see the pie chart of the next-page.

In the specific secret protection law in the upper section, in case of the security relevant law the formation of the berth being low, an approval or disapproval balance to the bill of the main TV report program, it investigated by the air time.

Study, it conducted by the Japan Peace Institute which I serve as a representative director, narration, caster, commentator remarks, and various interviews, are classified in terms of favor a comment to the bill, opposition, neutrality, in seconds in the measuring time.

Obvious if you can see, the extreme bias is seen in the pros and cons ratio to each station together.

In particular, "NEWS23" of TBS and "news station" of TV Asahi, which are handling these themes the most for a long time, it is more than 80 % at the time of the specific security law, in case of the Security Treaty legislation, it is the malfunction to spare more than 90 % for the dissenting opinion.

Furthermore unbelievable is given, it is case number obtained by adding the total broadcasting stations.

When certain secret protection law, favor: opposition is 26:74, it becomes a really 11:89 at security legislation.

Even if the number of television stations are a plurality, this on the fact, it is totalitarianism by the TV.

This article continues


2016年03月01日 20時55分13秒 | 日記




違法報道を許さない! 小川榮太郎


















Abe Prime Minister selected latter as the responsibility of the cabinet.

2016年03月01日 20時16分39秒 | 日記

The following is the sequel of the preceding chapter.

If becoming, when the crash between Japan and China has reality, Japan must get America's cooperation regardless beforehand.

I think that it was that of the first-order Abe Cabinet era, but it has asked such a question when there is opportunity to meet a Prime Minister.

"How do you become if America abandons Japan? Peace-Keeping Operations and so on can suggest that China is "it will let it out from China" in the meantime while Japan is slow with the domestic discussion. If becoming such a thing, hasn't the Japan-U.S. Security Treaty blown up?"

Then, Abe Prime Minister stated "it is about the Japanese-American relations that I worry most" with the very serious face.

Japan cannot be constitutional reform, which is a state that is not even able to repeal enemy clause.

"The national interest" that the danger of leaving "the shame" of the Japanese which began with the lie of all things until the all generations to come by the succession of the Kono and Murayama talk must be removed.

Then, it is "the national interest" to defend present Japanese people's life and fortune.

This among two national interests, Abe Prime Minister selected latter as the responsibility of the cabinet.

This article continues.

United Nations, that is in the international community Japan is now also "criminal" treatment is

2016年03月01日 20時15分06秒 | 日記

The following is the sequel of the preceding chapter.

The yoke, the enemy clause

So, what happens if between Japan and China is finally collide.

The power of the Maritime Self-Defense Force seems not to be defeated to the Chinese navy and not seeming for the Air Self-Defense Force, too, to be defeated to Chinese Air Force if comparing only military power it.

However, Japan must not forget that there is a major premise of "it is the country which cannot make war".

Last year, a security bill is concluded and Asahi Shimbun and so on are the story to have cheered, saying "it became the country which can make war" and so on but it is a ridiculous story.

It carries at present of "the enemy clause" about the Charter of United Nations in Japan in addition to the restriction of the Constitution Article 9, too.

Speaking of the enemy clause plainly, when the country which was on the side of the hostile country (the axis powers) in World War II starts a campaign if saying an enemy clause straight, it makes permitted to punish to the concerned country without consulting Security Council (Specifically, it provides in Charter of United Nations article 53, article clause 77 1 b, article 107).

United Nations, that is in the international community Japan is now also "criminal" treatment is, if we act against China's provocation is a permanent member of the Security Council, by this "enemy clause" military sanctions against Japan in China is justified it will be put away. 

This article continues


Japan which continued to pay the biggest contribution which it is possible American, only,

2016年03月01日 20時13分24秒 | 日記

The following is the sequel of the preceding chapter.

The preamble abbreviation

It is as North Korea was described but if surveying a neighborhood in Japan, the menace in China is actual day by day.

Around Senkaku offing, the territorial water invasion continued almost every day still and at last, it became by the time the armed-ship appeared on the circumference area of sea.

China is "the arming fortification" in the islands on reclaimed the South China Sea but Vietnam and the Philippines of this don't intend to be a war.

It is the preparation to cut off the sea lane in Japan and to parch.

Japan which doesn't have resources is known to have been braced by the embargo before the war, too, by China and knows have rushed into the war.

When a Japan-China relations was aggravated in the Senkaku's nationalization problem in the Democratic Party administration times to the evidence, China did a rare earth embargo action immediately.

It was what presuming that is "Japan will come in this".

It says that it is "China comes out to Japan to tighten up" when push comes to shove.

* Continued to introduce in the next chapter, all of the Japanese people to have a decent brain, it should be appalled.

Japan which continued to pay the biggest contribution which it is possible American, only, to stand next to to the United Nations and continued to maintain the United Nations.

Because it subscribed to Asahi Shimbun and so on, it continued to leave such a foolish thing in 70 after the war.

I don't have something to talk which is childish and is foolish any more.

the moralism of pretense has been mixed, it had been dramatized in their thought.

2016年03月01日 20時11分23秒 | 日記

It should have been made to fancy the subscriber of Asahi Shimbun and so on to be a rightish disputant in Shouichi Watanabe until August of two years ago.

Because I, too, was so, there is not room to doubt.

This means that the coverage of the Asahi Shimbun, on the idea that oppress the Japan and the Japanese, the moralism of pretense has been mixed, it had been dramatized in their thought.

Rather than tell the truth, tell the spirit of their own, it was Asahi Shimbun.

When thinking that there should not be August year before last, it is the story to shudder at indeed.

Because their severity (it is wicked childishly) is as it referred.

By the way, Mr. Shouichi Watanabe comes from Yamagata Prefecture which is a prefecture of the next of my hometown.

Mr. Watanabe lets me know the historic fact which I who subscribed to the Asahi didn't know.

I am touched off by his paper and the indeed important thing flashes like revelation.

I feel that Mr. Watanabe is reading my paper.

Mr. Watanabe is writing the first page paper in the number of monthly magazine WiLL in April.

If the reader reads the following part, it will feel that Mr. Watanabe is proving concisely as the paper about flashing in my brain.

Supposing that Mr. Watanabe isn't reading my article, we have the completely same brain.

When the part of the black emphasis is with that I was specifically at the book the other day completely, the reader should admire.

The preamble abbreviation


2016年03月01日 20時09分36秒 | 日記




昨年、安全保障法案が成立し、朝日新聞などは「戦争できる国になった」などと囃し立てたが、とんでもない話だ。憲法九条の制約のみならず、日本は国連憲章における「敵国条項」を現在も背負っている。 敵国条項を端的に言えば、第二次世界大戦中に敵国(枢軸国)側にいた国が軍事行動を起こした場合には、安保理に諮ることなく当該国に対して制裁を行ってよい、とするものだ(具体的には国連憲章第五十三条、第七十七条一項b、第百七条に規定)。 



it continued to leave such a foolish thing in 70 after the war.

2016年03月01日 20時03分05秒 | 日記

The following is the sequel of the preceding chapter.

The preamble abbreviation

It is as North Korea was described but if surveying a neighborhood in Japan, the menace in China is actual day by day.

Around Senkaku offing, the territorial water invasion continued almost every day still and at last, it became by the time the armed-ship appeared on the circumference area of sea.

China is "the arming fortification" in the islands on reclaimed the South China Sea but Vietnam and the Philippines of this don't intend to be a war.

It is the preparation to cut off the sea lane in Japan and to parch.

Japan which doesn't have resources is known to have been braced by the embargo before the war, too, by China and knows have rushed into the war.

When a Japan-China relations was aggravated in the Senkaku's nationalization problem in the Democratic Party administration times to the evidence, China did a rare earth embargo action immediately.

It was what presuming that is "Japan will come in this".

It says that it is "China comes out to Japan to tighten up" when push comes to shove.

* Continued to introduce in the next chapter, all of the Japanese people to have a decent brain, it should be appalled.

Japan which continued to pay the biggest contribution which it is possible American, only, to stand next to to the United Nations and continued to maintain the United Nations.

Because it subscribed to Asahi Shimbun and so on, it continued to leave such a foolish thing in 70 after the war.

I don't have something to talk which is childish and is foolish any more.


2016年03月01日 20時00分00秒 | 日記


となれば、日中衝突が現実味を帯びてきた際、日本はなんとしてもアメリカの協力を取り付けておかなければならない。 第一次安倍内閣時代のことだったと思うが、総理にお会いする機会があった際にこのような質問をしたことがある。 「もし、アメリカが日本を見放したらどうなりますか。PKOなどでも、日本が国内の議論でもたもたしている間に、そのうち中国が『それならうちから出しましょう』と言い出しかねない。そんなことになったら、日米安保は吹っ飛んでしまうのではないですか」 







2016年03月01日 19時50分49秒 | 日記




昨年、安全保障法案が成立し、朝日新聞などは「戦争できる国になった」などと囃し立てたが、とんでもない話だ。憲法九条の制約のみならず、日本は国連憲章における「敵国条項」を現在も背負っている。 敵国条項を端的に言えば、第二次世界大戦中に敵国(枢軸国)側にいた国が軍事行動を起こした場合には、安保理に諮ることなく当該国に対して制裁を行ってよい、とするものだ(具体的には国連憲章第五十三条、第七十七条一項b、第百七条に規定)。 



but it has asked such a question when there is opportunity to meet a Prime Minister

2016年03月01日 19時44分43秒 | 日記

The following is the sequel of the preceding chapter.

If becoming, when the crash between Japan and China has reality, Japan must get America's cooperation regardless beforehand.

I think that it was that of the first-order Abe Cabinet era, but it has asked such a question when there is opportunity to meet a Prime Minister.

"How do you become if America abandons Japan? Peace-Keeping Operations and so on can suggest that China is "it will let it out from China" in the meantime while Japan is slow with the domestic discussion. If becoming such a thing, hasn't the Japan-U.S. Security Treaty blown up?"

Then, Abe Prime Minister stated "it is about the Japanese-American relations that I worry most" with the very serious face.

Japan cannot be constitutional reform, which is a state that is not even able to repeal enemy clause.

"The national interest" that the danger of leaving "the shame" of the Japanese which began with the lie of all things until the all generations to come by the succession of the Kono and Murayama talk must be removed.

Then, it is "the national interest" to defend present Japanese people's life and fortune.

This among two national interests, Abe Prime Minister selected latter as the responsibility of the cabinet.

This article continues.

it became the country which can make war and so on but it is a ridiculous story.

2016年03月01日 19時40分32秒 | 日記

The following is the sequel of the preceding chapter.

The yoke, the enemy clause

So, what happens if between Japan and China is finally collide.

The power of the Maritime Self-Defense Force seems not to be defeated to the Chinese navy and not seeming for the Air Self-Defense Force, too, to be defeated to Chinese Air Force if comparing only military power it.

However, Japan must not forget that there is a major premise of "it is the country which cannot make war".

Last year, a security bill is concluded and Asahi Shimbun and so on are the story to have cheered, saying "it became the country which can make war" and so on but it is a ridiculous story.

It carries at present of "the enemy clause" about the Charter of United Nations in Japan in addition to the restriction of the Constitution Article 9, too.

Speaking of the enemy clause plainly, when the country which was on the side of the hostile country (the axis powers) in World War II starts a campaign if saying an enemy clause straight, it makes permitted to punish to the concerned country without consulting Security Council (Specifically, it provides in Charter of United Nations article 53, article clause 77 1 b, article 107).

United Nations, that is in the international community Japan is now also "criminal" treatment is, if we act against China's provocation is a permanent member of the Security Council, by this "enemy clause" military sanctions against Japan in China is justified it will be put away. 

This article continues


I don't have something to talk which is childish and is foolish any more.

2016年03月01日 18時08分32秒 | 日記

The following is the sequel of the preceding chapter.

The preamble abbreviation

It is as North Korea was described but if surveying a neighborhood in Japan, the menace in China is actual day by day.

Around Senkaku offing, the territorial water invasion continued almost every day still and at last, it became by the time the armed-ship appeared on the circumference area of sea.

China is "the arming fortification" in the islands on reclaimed the South China Sea but Vietnam and the Philippines of this don't intend to be a war.

It is the preparation to cut off the sea lane in Japan and to parch.

Japan which doesn't have resources is known to have been braced by the embargo before the war, too, by China and knows have rushed into the war.

When a Japan-China relations was aggravated in the Senkaku's nationalization problem in the Democratic Party administration times to the evidence, China did a rare earth embargo action immediately.

It was what presuming that is "Japan will come in this".

It says that it is "China comes out to Japan to tighten up" when push comes to shove.

* Continued to introduce in the next chapter, all of the Japanese people to have a decent brain, it should be appalled.

Japan which continued to pay the biggest contribution which it is possible American, only, to stand next to to the United Nations and continued to maintain the United Nations.

Because it subscribed to Asahi Shimbun and so on, it continued to leave such a foolish thing in 70 after the war.

I don't have something to talk which is childish and is foolish any more.

When thinking that there should not be August year before last, it is the story to shudder at indeed

2016年03月01日 17時51分27秒 | 日記

It should have been made to fancy the subscriber of Asahi Shimbun and so on to be a rightish disputant in Shouichi Watanabe until August of two years ago.

Because I, too, was so, there is not room to doubt.

This means that the coverage of the Asahi Shimbun, on the idea that oppress the Japan and the Japanese, the moralism of pretense has been mixed, it had been dramatized in their thought.

Rather than tell the truth, tell the spirit of their own, it was Asahi Shimbun.

When thinking that there should not be August year before last, it is the story to shudder at indeed.

Because their severity (it is wicked childishly) is as it referred.

By the way, Mr. Shouichi Watanabe comes from Yamagata Prefecture which is a prefecture of the next of my hometown.

Mr. Watanabe lets me know the historic fact which I who subscribed to the Asahi didn't know.

I am touched off by his paper and the indeed important thing flashes like revelation.

I feel that Mr. Watanabe is reading my paper.

Mr. Watanabe is writing the first page paper in the number of monthly magazine WiLL in April.

If the reader reads the following part, it will feel that Mr. Watanabe is proving concisely as the paper about flashing in my brain.

Supposing that Mr. Watanabe isn't reading my article, we have the completely same brain.

When the part of the black emphasis is with that I was specifically at the book the other day completely, the reader should admire.

The preamble abbreviation