The following is a continuation of the previous chapter.
When the deflation which the Asahi made covered Japan still, doing like this, by good fortune, the God sprang a politician in the real thing who does recently to say to be Shinzo Abe rare seeing.
Prime Minister Abe and Kuroda president of the Bank of Japan, they have a proper brain to see the Japan's being urgent is to overcome this long-term deflation.
The intention to have staked themselves on, too, is writing the Asahi, taking being showing the sign of the stagnation because of the following historic fact.
It is difficult to permit doing this juvenility and wickedness now.
The excise tax increase which the historically worst administration who says the Democratic Party administration and so whom the Asahi started on fixed.
Then, there was no experience in no philosophy to manage a country by the economy and it was the cabinet which is compliant to the Ministry of Finance.
It advised Naoto Kan, the Democratic Party administration party leader and the prime minister.
Yoshiyasu Ono - Osaka University professor (Those days) as the true innocent who comes from Tokyo Institute of Technology.
To the economy stagnation as the implementation of 8 % of excise tax increase as the result and the result that global economy is tripped up since the new year by the inaccuracy of the economy in the country's one-party dictatorship who of the Communist Party to have made it grow impudent by Asahi Shimbun,
It is equal to be proving Japanese to be a just true innocent and to be the childish and wicked people about continuing beforehand Asahi Shimbun to represent as "official Shunto it stalls within 3 years" coolly.