The following is the sequel of the preceding chapter.
This year in December, Mr. Kanno village mayor who heard a story again, had been angry to Mr. Kan of Shikoku Pilgrimage tour resumed.
"Mr. Kan, if it finished the Prime Minister you should not go Shikoku Pilgrimage, but you have to walk the temporary housing in the affected areas. It is normal."
Nevertheless, Mr. Kan, October last year, published a book that summarizes the record of the pilgrimage of its own 10 years thoughtlessly.
One Tanka which contains in the earthquake disaster book of Mr. Kai Hasegawa, the haiku poet, sticks in my mind.
"In such a case, holding such a prime minister, the misfortune of Japan to hold such experiences."
It comes around, each accident investigation committee of the government, the Diet, the civilian, the Tokyo Electric Power Co., Inc. verifies a compatible with the accident respectively and is gathering a report.
It was labor, but the examination to the speech and action and the responsibility of the politician was too soft in any case commonly.