Below, it is from the article of Nikkei Shimbun page 19 today which was entitled "the power of the monetary policy and the transparency".
The introduced paper, too, was so the other day but is the paper which showed the value of Nikkei Shimbun’s being an economic newspaper.
It proclaimed that it was the problem that Kiichi Miyazawa who is not one of the owners with the most excellent brain in Japan in those days for show must solve a 15 trillion yen public fund, dropping it.
On the other hand, with Yamada Atsushi who is the reporter of Asahi Shimbun business news department brandishing the moralism of the put-on, the bank, the construction firm, the real-estate company, to doing its own way, why do we have to drop the national taxpayers' money, to brandishing the sense of justice of the kindergartner, the elitist in Japan which espoused the Asahi, different from now chorused to this.
Of all things, the leaders of the bank industry, too, chorused. The result is now.
It made Japan's lost 20 when the big bank in Japan could not be left just as it is at all about Mitsui, Mitsubishi or Sumitomo, or Fuji, the Dai-Ichi Kangyo Bank or Sanwa, Tokyo, or Toukai, Saitama or Daiwa.
It is for the principal offender in Asahi Shimbun in the making of this frivolous economic phenomenon by the principal offender who continued to remove trust and honor of Japan and the Japanese by many fabrication articles in the international community.
Like the other case, the accomplice is the elitists of the various fields in Japan.
It introduces a paper at the beginning next chapter since then.