文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

knowing doing the wonderful of the nuclear reactor of the world minim which Toshiba developed

2016年03月24日 22時22分18秒 | 日記

The following is a continuation of the previous chapter.

In addition to having Ken Sakamura's TRON revolution ruined, the strong yen to have approved and for the Asahi and so on to have continued to bruit it, then, it was very much driven to the status which can make even direct competition no longer by the strong yen, it is because the tragedy of the electric appliance manufacturer group was clear expressed actually.

It was an article of "the criticism appears one after another by the war criminal in 10,000 people of charge of restructuring about the Panasonic former executive, to the high school baseball manager installation".

These things aren't exaggerated even if it says that they brought about all executive of the communication enterprise which was made the advance guard of Bill Gates who ruined Ken Sakamura's TRON revolution.

He is, to electronics manufacturers group of Japan's world-class, it was to run a lightly more than restructuring a total of 100,000 people.

This is now, it is needless to say is one of the children to six, which is one of the major causes that made a reality growing up in poor households of less than 1.8 million yen annual income.

Only this was unsatisfying and he made the Prime Minister of the all-time low stop an all over Japan nuclear power plant completely, attempting (as it referred several times about the process the other day).

It isn't necessary to say that it made the difficulties of Toshiba in now, which bought Westinghouse Electric, dropping a huge amount of money.

The Toshiba has been just now reported to fire 30,000 now.

In Toshiba, it doesn't have to say being the electric appliance manufacturer that Japan is proud of to the world.

Bill Gates of the matter was thinking of the joint enterprise, knowing doing the wonderful of the nuclear reactor of the world minim which Toshiba developed, visiting Japan many times.

The late Steve Jobs, it was frequently visited Japan, but each time, had also visited Toshiba not only Sony.

That the executive of the matter which drove this Toshiba, too, to the difficulties employs a staff as 30,000, the regular member will not be 100 %.

Japan connects with the 1,400,000,000,000,000 yen heavy losses at the top and the bottom of my being the big withering and falling of the strength of a nation of Japan which referred many times, too, straight in 20 of the big withering and falling of the electric appliance manufacturer group to have been proud of in the world.

20 years of the large decline of Japan's electronics manufacturers group, which boasted the world, it has led straight to a large loss of a total of 1,400 trillion yen, which is a large decline of Japan's national power that I've been mentioned many times.

On the other hand, this executive became 1 or 2 rich men instantly in asset more 500 billion yen, to look askance at the heavy losses in Japan.

It is the media of Asahi Shimbun to have continued to drop to the trust and the honor by the terrible fabrication article by lowering strength of a nation and so on that made such an absurdity of our country and is *of* the fact which is historic now.

I thought that the game should have been composed yesterday and it attempted to search.

2016年03月24日 21時37分04秒 | 日記

The other day, it saw the program which featured the manager of the high school baseball which is NHK.
I who was seeing the practice scenery was left in the memory as this high school was strong.
I thought that the game should have been composed yesterday and it attempted to search.
As for the name of this manager, it should know baseball fan but I forgot a name of school.
However, I was surprised to search.
It is because the process that he was reshuffled first at the same time as the president alternates and so on wrote to have been serving to the executive with the electric appliance manufacturer which represents Japan.

Reading this article, I re-recognized and deplored that we cannot understand nothing about the truth if we read only TV program and newspapers.

Yesteryear, it was reported that this large electronics company had done that of black companies in imitation of such eviction room.
There should be many persons who noticed a gloomy thought, saying whether it was doing such a thing in this company.
Reading the article which tells the truth which is only possible by this Internet, I thought at the same time.

This article continues


2016年03月24日 18時26分43秒 | 日記





米カリフォルニア州ロサンゼルス市議会で22日、韓国から訪米中の元慰安婦、李容洙さん(88)が人権活動を評価され、表彰された。今月17日の同州議会上院や、昨年9月の同州サンフランシスコ市議会に続く表彰で、日韓合意後もなお、慰安婦問題で日本政府の責任を追及する在米韓国系団体の意向が強く反映された形だ。(ロサンゼルス 中村将)


2016年03月24日 18時04分02秒 | 日記
















Contraste em sua intendment

2016年03月24日 17時18分21秒 | 日記

Ele dirigiu-se para Arashiyama que é o jardim da casa porque era claro e ensolarado no outro dia.

Ele brilhou em minha mente de repente de trem de retorno.

Para se perguntando por que a China era particular sobre as Ilhas Spratly Em tal forma vagamente, de repente, notei que o intendment dos monocrats partido do Partido Comunista.

Contraste em sua intendment, ele cresceu, subscrevendo a mídia no Asahi no nosso país e assim por diante e os chamados homens de cultura, o partido, ea Federação Japonesa de Associações de Advogados e chamado grupo de cidadão, esses estados ocorreu instantaneamente.

Estremeci realmente.

Portanto, no capítulo que foi escrito sobre pobreza de Hillary Clinton, ele abusou Asahi Shimbun completamente.

Este artigo continua

Contraste dans leur

2016年03月24日 17時17分48秒 | 日記

Il se dirigea vers Arashiyama qui est le jardin de la maison parce qu'il était clair et ensoleillé, l'autre jour.

Il flashé dans mon esprit tout à coup en train de retour.

Pour se demander pourquoi la Chine était notamment sur les îles Spratly dans la forme vaguement, tout à coup, je remarquai la intendment des monocrats du parti du Parti communiste.

Contraste dans leur intendment, il a grandi, en souscrivant aux médias dans l'Asahi dans notre pays et ainsi de suite et ces soi-disant hommes de culture, le parti, et la Fédération japonaise des associations du barreau et que l'on appelle groupe de citoyens, ces états produit instantanément.

Je frémis vraiment.

Par conséquent, dans le chapitre qui a été écrit au sujet de la pauvreté de Hillary Clinton, il a abusé de fond Asahi Shimbun.

Cet article continue

Kontrast in ihren intendment

2016年03月24日 17時17分24秒 | 日記

Es ging auf Arashiyama, die den Garten des Hauses ist, weil es klar und sonnig den anderen Tag war.

Es blitzte in meinem Kopf plötzlich durch Zug zurück.

Um sich fragen, warum China insbesondere über die Spratly-Inseln in einer solchen Form vage war, plötzlich, bemerkte ich die intendment der Partei monocrats der Kommunistischen Partei.

Kontrast in ihren intendment, es aufgewachsen ist, in der Asahi in unserem Land zu den Medien Zeichnung und so weiter, und diese sogenannten Männer der Kultur, der Partei und der Japan Federation of Bar Verbände und so genannte Bürger-Gruppe, diese Staaten sofort auftrat.

Ich schauderte wirklich.

Daher wird in dem Kapitel, das über Hillary Clintons ness geschrieben wurde, missbraucht es Asahi Shimbun gründlich.

Dieser Artikel setzt

Contraste en su intendment

2016年03月24日 17時17分06秒 | 日記

Se dirigió a Arashiyama que es el jardín de la casa, ya que era claro y soleado, el otro día.

Se cruzó por mi mente de repente por el tren de regreso.

A preguntarse por qué China fue especialmente sobre las Islas Spratly en tal forma vaga, de repente, me di cuenta de la intendment de los monocrats partido del Partido Comunista.

Contraste en su intendment, que creció, la suscripción a los medios de comunicación en el Asahi en nuestro país y así sucesivamente y los llamados hombres de la cultura, la fiesta, y la Federación Japonesa de Asociaciones de Abogados y llamado grupo de los ciudadanos, estos estados ocurrido al instante.

Me estremecí realmente.

Por lo tanto, en el capítulo que fue escrito sobre pobreza de Hillary Clinton, se abusa de Asahi Shimbun fondo.

Este artículo continúa

Contrasto nella loro

2016年03月24日 17時16分47秒 | 日記

Si diresse verso Arashiyama, che è il giardino della casa perché era chiaro e pieno di sole, l'altro giorno.

Si balenò nella mia mente improvvisamente in treno di ritorno.

Per chiedendo perché la Cina era particolare circa le Isole Spratly, in tale forma vagamente, improvvisamente, ho notato la intendment dei monocrats partito del partito comunista.

Contrasto nella loro intendment, è cresciuto, la sottoscrizione di media nella Asahi nel nostro paese e così via e questi cosiddetti uomini di cultura, il partito, e la Federazione Giapponese delle Associazioni e cosiddetto gruppo di cittadini, questi stati si è verificato all'istante.

Rabbrividii davvero.

Pertanto, nel capitolo che è stato scritto sulla povertà di Hillary Clinton, ha abusato accuratamente Asahi Shimbun.

Questo articolo continua


2016年03月24日 17時16分30秒 | 日記









2016年03月24日 17時16分11秒 | 日記








자신의 intendment에

2016年03月24日 17時15分55秒 | 日記

그것은 다른 날 맑고 화창한 때문에 가정의 정원입니다 아라시야마로 향했다.

그것은 갑자기 반환 기차로 내 마음에 떠올랐다.

중국이 희미하게 같은 형태의 스프 래 틀리 제도를 고집 한 이유를 궁금해에, 갑자기, 나는 공산당의 파티 monocrats의 intendment 나타났습니다.

자신의 intendment에 대비, 그것은 우리 나라에서 아사히의 미디어에 가입하는 등, 문화, 파티의 소위 남성, 성장, 그리고 바 협회와 소위 시민 단체, 이러한 상태의 일본 연맹 즉시 발생했습니다.

정말 떨었다.

따라서, 힐러리 클린턴의 병약에 대해 설명 된 장에서, 그것은 철저 아사히 신문을 학대.

이 문서는 계속

Контраст в их намерение

2016年03月24日 17時15分39秒 | 日記

Он направился к Арасияма, который является сад из дома, потому что было ясно и солнечно другой день.

Она мелькнула у меня в голове вдруг на обратном поезде.

Для того, чтобы задаваться вопросом, почему Китай был частности, о Спратли в таком виде неопределенно, я вдруг заметил намерение партийных monocrats Коммунистической партии.

Контраст в их намерение, он вырос, подписавшись на средства массовой информации в Асахи в нашей стране и так далее, и эти так называемые люди культуры, партии и Японской федерации ассоциаций адвокатов и так называемой гражданской группы, эти государства произошло мгновенно.

Я вздрогнула на самом деле.

Таким образом, в главе, которая была написана о бедность Хиллари Клинтон, обругав Asahi Shimbun тщательно.

Эта статья продолжает

În contrast lor interpretare,

2016年03月24日 17時15分24秒 | 日記

Ea se îndrepta spre Arashiyama, care este grădina casei, deoarece era clar și însorită de altă zi.

Ea fulgeră în mintea mea dintr-o dată cu trenul de întoarcere.

Pentru a întreba de ce China a fost, mai ales despre Insulele Spratly într-o formă vag, dintr-o dată, am observat de interpretare monocrats de partid al Partidului Comunist.

Contrast în interpretare lor, aceasta a crescut, abonarea la mass-media în Asahi în țara noastră și așa mai departe și așa numitele oameni de cultură, partidul, și Federația Japoneză a Asociațiilor Bar și așa-numitul grup de cetățeni, aceste state a avut loc instantaneu.

M-am cutremurat cu adevărat.

Prin urmare, în capitolul care a fost scris despre Hillary Clinton calitate inferioară, ea a abuzat foarte bine Asahi Shimbun.

Acest articol continuă

Kontrastas savo

2016年03月24日 17時15分00秒 | 日記

Jis vadovauja Arashiyama kuris yra namuose sodas, nes buvo aišku, ir saulėta kitą dieną.

Tai uždėtinį į galvą staiga grąžinimo traukiniu.

Įdomu, kodėl Kinija buvo ypač apie Spratlio salos tokia forma miglotai, staiga pastebėjau Suinteresuoto monocrats komunistų partijos Ketinimus.

Kontrastas savo Ketinimus, jis užaugo, Užsisakę žiniasklaidos Asahi mūsų šalyje ir taip toliau ir šie vadinamieji vyrai kultūros, šalies ir Japonija federacija Advokatų asociacijų ir vadinamosios piliečių grupės, šių valstybių įvyko akimirksniu.

Aš shuddered tikrai.

Todėl, atsižvelgiant į skyriuje buvo parašyta apie Hillary Clinton skurdumas, jis piktnaudžiavo Asahi Shimbun kruopščiai.

Šis straipsnis ir toliau