文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

It became still unpleasant, hearing that there was a strange murder case of the woman

2016年03月13日 22時17分34秒 | 日記

Yesterday, it was recording the exhibition game of Yomiuri Giants by the CS broadcasts.

After a game is ended, the program, TBS news Bird, was being televised.

The Member of Parliament of the Democratic Party appeared with Masayoshi Takemura.

I thought whether it is so or Masayoshi Takemura.

It is Mr. Fenollosa that, when the Buddhism culture of Japan was on the verge of the crisis with the abolition of Buddhism at the time of the Meiji restoration, rescued this.

Therefore, I respect him very much.

There is a time to have visited Mii-dera regularly.

Mii-dera is in the governmental offices' district in Otsu City which has an Otsu City government office and so on.

As for that I who knew that it was in Homyo-in which is sub-temple of Mii-dera, which has his tomb in the neighborhood visited several times, the reader is as you know.

I hardly go to Mii-dera now.

On the other hand, annually, at least, 10 times, it goes to Ishiyama-dera.

Mii-dera is the temple which gives forth of the judiciary strangely.

Nonetheless, sub-temple which is on the right near went bankrupt, there, it says that there is a headquarters in Koga city, the religious corporation where the identity isn't known, it is advancing openly and squarely.

It became still unpleasant, hearing that there was a strange murder case of the woman in this place.

In the impression on me, Otsu City is anyway shady.

Above-mentioned Homyo-in is equal to the rough temple.

Nonetheless, here is a big monument to praise Masayoshi Takemura.

I thought what shameless and vulgar fellow this man is.

To that degree, he is a prominent figure in Otsu.

He is a man like Asahi Shimbun itself.

It is also the leader of the Democratic Party.

In Otsu District Court located in this area, the interim order of KEPCO's Takahama nuclear power plant stop was issued.


By the way, Korea and China decided that it increased nuclear power plant construction substantially

2016年03月13日 20時24分24秒 | 日記

By the way, Korea and China decided that it increased nuclear power plant construction substantially in the government at a breath, in inverse proportion though Naoto Kan administration stopped a nuclear power plant completely.

I feel doubtfulness very much to this process.

It is the fact of the wisdom of the many that China and Korea are worse well in the technology at the nuclear power plant than in Japan.

The entire stop of nuclear power plants that would be self-evident that lead to the weakening of the Japanese nuclear industry.

Actually, the number of the students who advance towards the atomic department ought to have greatly reduced.

Weakening of the nuclear industry, as well as the former electronics manufacturer group, engineers who Japan boasts the world, will say who and does not lead to be washed away in South Korea and China, which is to determine the large increase in nuclear power plant construction.

Making an atomic industry in Japan which is the world best decline, their own, it attempts to bring up an atomic industry, make the strength of a nation of Japan decline at a breath, and themselves get an advantage, I am convinced that it is their national-strategy.

If being, it is operated by their national-strategy, as their thought, who is attempting for Japan to become weak, for the strength of a nation of Japan to decline?

Japan and the Japanese people, it had better think well.

Well, if this issue is to be absolutely correct issue in the international community,

2016年03月13日 17時31分11秒 | 日記

Before introducing Mr. Narabayashi's paper, it is sometimes necessary to write.

The big factor which the oppositely to the nuclear power plant absoluteness which Asahi Shimbun advocated siding human beings raise as the basis is about the nuclear garbage.

It is the video which Furutachi who is a presider at "the news station" of TV-Asahi reported, going to Finland that I saw this article for the first time.

Well, if this issue is to be absolutely correct issue in the international community, it is obvious they are to be done in full force.

South Korea constructs a nuclear power plant at once a big issuance.

It, too, is in the place which faced Sea of Japan.

China constructs additional more nuclear power plants in large scale.

Asahi Shimbun and so on, go immediately to the United Nations which they love, it makes it prohibit their nuclear power plant construction big increase, and the big campaign must be taken.

If not being, their logic doesn't have justice at all.

There is not a point.

This article continues


2016年03月13日 16時58分07秒 | 日記








2016年03月13日 16時27分17秒 | 日記

















And they don't write little or nothing why the nuclear accident occurred.

2016年03月13日 15時34分02秒 | 日記

Not only "news station" of TV Asahi, Asahi Shimbun wrote that of the nuclear power plant accident on the front page this morning.

Their relentless and vicious is really incorrigible.

And they don't write little or nothing why the nuclear accident occurred.

The nuclear accident has occurred, first of all, because it was manufactured by GE.

In the design stage of GE, that is because there has been a problem in the installation location of the emergency power source, GE Corporation and the United States government was aware of this problem, the countries that have been using the same apparatus, it has issued a notice, it is that was when the Koizumi administration, that is responsible for the administration of Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi is that he did not take measures to ignore this, it is Masayuki Takayama the only one of the journalists in the post-war world It has taught us.

Human beings to know the excellence and market share of Japanese companies in each sector, it knows that it is not an exaggeration to say that the nuclear reactor cannot make if there is no technology of Japan Steel Works.

Even in the Fukushima accident, the nuclear reactor of Japan Steel Works, was not damaged.

As for the nuclear power plant, Narabayashi Tadashi, the Hokkaido University graduate school professor, is writing an excellent paper in the number of April of monthly magazine WiLL.

From the wicked trick in the childishness of Asahi Shimbun and so-called men of culture who side with this, to defend the Japanese people and Japan, I introduce by the next chapter.


2016年03月13日 15時10分42秒 | 日記









So-called scholars continues to say who appeared on the media in inverse proportion in

2016年03月13日 14時36分20秒 | 日記

It is the one as much as Japan that would not have CIA.

So-called scholars continues to say who appeared on the media in inverse proportion in Japan's lost 20, be able to learn from Germany and so on, the thing as only it shows the doubtfulness of the word instantly about the owner with proper brain.

It isn't necessary to say that there is CIA in Germany, too, as it is clear in the article which was carried on the Newsweek Japanese edition the other day.

Rather, to the guide layer of the right-wing organization NPD of the matter, because a lot of spies of the government entered, the court reserved judgment, it works so lively.

On the other hand, how is Japan?

The scholars of the matter didn't say at all about this thing.

That it is possible to say should not be possible.

It is because it isn't exaggerated even if it says that most of them are the human beings who were manipulated by the government and the CIA in Korea and China.

Dwarf Japan and Japanese, it is China and Korea and the same line in Japan, or, it is the human beings who tried to place below it, much more, by all means, Japan be a major power, the country which the turntable of civilization is turning around as providence of the God, it doesn't admit being Japan.

The human beings who tried to weak and small-ize Japan, the folly as convenient by the media, Japan and the Japanese, never again, don't commit.

See even if it thinks.

The U.S. which has CIA or FBI, it is the country to have tried to exile seriously even John Lennon.

John Lennon were losing his heart but he won in the trial finally.

The influence to be scheming for to lower the strength of a nation of Japan continuously, and the country as it makes anti-Japanese propaganda a national policy, but the openness of Japan to the persons who are related to this, it is the strange state which is nowhere in the world.


2016年03月13日 14時03分45秒 | 日記










it is because it not is by all means in telling a distorted foolish thought.

2016年03月13日 12時29分45秒 | 日記

In the TV station in Japan, of course it is if rightly say but it is the TV station which neatly tells what only NHK should tell.

Therefore is the human beings who exist even now at this broadcast station, the foolish human beings who fancy oppressing Japan right, subscribe to Asahi Shimbun, the human beings as it reports the thought of Asahi Shimbun by thinking that it is right, it is necessary to sweep.

Now, don't raise such human beings.

Much more, making the human being of such equal exist in NHK, with the activist of the notoriousness like Matsui Yayori and the abnormal innocent like Alexis Dudden sponsored, the human beings as it broadcast an event joyful, immediately, it is necessary to sweep.

Because, the news is telling a fact, the one of the announcer and so on, it is because it not is by all means in telling a distorted foolish thought.


2016年03月13日 12時25分47秒 | 日記





tous les êtres humains qui ont commis un acte de chose absurde

2016年03月13日 11時17分44秒 | 日記

Alexis Dudden et Carol Gluck, et accordé à ces êtres humains, affirment des choses avec véhémence vraiment stupides que les femmes de réconfort question en tant que telle est un fait, ont été accordé à la Asahi Shimbun, il est leur ami, les gens soi-disant de la culture, comme renforts, tous les êtres humains qui ont commis un acte de chose absurde que cette opinion publicité pour NYT ce que vous devez savoir la honte.
Que vous les gars ont fait, vous les gars, qui était quelque chose qui ne change pas en aucune façon à la discrimination contre les Noirs venus ont continué à effectuer jusqu'à ce que l'autre jour, mon éditorial, doit savoir lire les yeux grands ouverts.
Toi qui es faible d'esprit combien vous savez que l'étape intermédiaire a été le siècle de la guerre depuis le début du 20e siècle.
Il y avait au Japon sur le côté du gagnant au moment de la Première Guerre mondiale, mais au moment de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, il est entré dans un groupe à l'état de perte.
Il est la loi première immigration qui visait le Japon à partir aux États-Unis qui est votre pays et que le cœur du peuple japonais qui avaient une pro-U.S. sentiment a été déchiré, étant déchiré est le début.
Il fait cette occasion de chose et l'instigateur qui a incité le peuple japonais au sentiment anti-américain est Asahi Shimbun lui-même où vous laissez l'aide.
Asahi Shimbun vous décrit comme étant brute Amérique.
Quand vous avez finalement fait l'hostilité au Japon ouvrir plus et arrêté l'exportation du pétrole qui est une bouée de sauvetage au Japon, Asahi Shimbun a crié.
Il est haineux américain, un gouvernement, et il fait à la fois la guerre et il doit tirer sur le U.S ..
Cet article continue

tutti gli esseri umani che hanno commesso

2016年03月13日 11時17分10秒 | 日記

Alexis Dudden e Carol Gluck, e messo a punto per tali esseri umani, sostengono le cose con veemenza davvero stupide che donne di conforto problema in quanto tale è un dato di fatto, sono stati sintonizzato sulla Asahi Shimbun, è il loro amico, per le cosiddette persone di cultura, come rinforzi, tutti gli esseri umani che hanno commesso un atto di cosa assurda che tale parere pubblicità per NYT vi dovrebbe conoscere la vergogna.
Che voi ragazzi avete fatto, voi ragazzi, che era qualcosa che non cambia in alcun modo con la discriminazione contro i neri venivano continuato a svolgere fino a quando proprio l'altro giorno, il mio editoriale, deve sapere di leggere gli occhi ben aperti.
Voi che siete deboli mente quanto si sa che la fase centrale è stato il secolo della guerra fin dall'inizio del 20 ° secolo.
C'era Giappone sul lato del vincitore al momento della prima guerra mondiale ma al tempo della Seconda Guerra Mondiale, è entrato un gruppo nella condizione di perdita.
E 'prima legge sull'immigrazione, che mira Giappone dal Stati Uniti, che è il tuo paese e che il cuore del popolo giapponese che hanno avuto un pro-fuori degli USA. sensazione è stata strappata, viene strappata è l'inizio.
Si rende questa opportunità cosa e l'istigatore che incitava il popolo giapponese al sentimento anti-americano è Asahi Shimbun stesso in cui si lascia aiuto.
Asahi Shimbun si descritta come bruta America.
Quando finalmente l'ostilità verso il Giappone aprire più e ha fermato l'esportazione del petrolio, che è una linea di vita in Giappone, Asahi Shimbun urlò.
E 'l'odioso Stati Uniti, un governo, e rende al tempo di guerra e deve sparare al fuori degli USA ..
Questo articolo continua

todos los seres humanos que han cometido

2016年03月13日 11時16分37秒 | 日記

Alexis Dudden y Carol Gluck, y en sintonía con tales seres humanos, argumentan cosas con vehemencia realmente estúpidas esa cuestión mujeres de confort como tal es un hecho, se han sintonizado en el Asahi Shimbun, es su amigo, a los llamados, cultura, pueblo, como refuerzos, todos los seres humanos que han cometido un acto de lo absurdo que dicha publicidad opinión de The New York Times de que debe conocer la vergüenza.
Que ustedes han hecho, ustedes, eso era algo que no cambia en modo alguno con la discriminación contra los negros vinieron siguieron funcionando hasta que el otro día, mi editorial, debe saber para leer en los ojos de par en par.
Ustedes que son débiles mentales cuánto sabrá que la etapa intermedia fue el siglo de la guerra desde el principio en el siglo 20.
Hubo Japón en el lado del ganador en el momento de la Primera Guerra Mundial, pero en el momento de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, entró en un grupo en el estado de pérdida.
Es primera Ley de Inmigración, que dirige Japón desde los EE.UU., que es su país y que el corazón de los japoneses que tenían un pro-U.S. sentimiento se rasgó, que es rasgado es el comienzo.
Se hace esta cosa oportunidad y el instigador que incitó al pueblo japonés al sentimiento anti-estadounidense es en sí Asahi Shimbun donde dejó escapar ayuda.
Asahi Shimbun se describe como bruta América.
Cuando finalmente lo hizo la hostilidad a Japón abra más y se detuvo la exportación del petróleo, que es una línea de vida en Japón, Asahi Shimbun gritó.
Es el odio EE.UU., un gobierno, y que a la vez hace que la guerra y debe rodar la U.S ..
Este artículo continúa

alle Menschen, die einen Akt der absurden Sache

2016年03月13日 11時15分58秒 | 日記

Alexis Dudden und Carol Gluck, und auf solche Menschen abgestimmt, argumentieren vehement wirklich dumme Dinge, die Trostfrauen Frage als solche ist eine Tat, an die Asahi Shimbun abgestimmt ist, ist ihr Freund, den so genannten Kultur, Menschen, als Verstärkungen, alle Menschen, die einen Akt der absurden Sache begangen haben, dass eine solche Meinung Werbung zu NYT die Sie die Scham kennen sollten.
Dass euch getan haben, Leute, das war etwas, das gegen Schwarze, bis nur den anderen Tag auszuführen fortgesetzt kam nicht mit der Diskriminierung in irgendeiner Weise zu ändern, meine Redaktion, müssen wissen, die Augen weit offen zu lesen.
Ihr, die schwachsinnig, wie viel sind, werden wissen, dass die mittlere Stufe das Jahrhundert des Krieges von Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts war.
Es Japan auf der Seite des Siegers zu der Zeit des Ersten Weltkrieges war aber zu der Zeit des Zweiten Weltkriegs, trat sie eine Gruppe in der Verlust-Zustand.
Es ist das erste Zuwanderungsgesetz, das Japan von den USA gezielt, die Ihr Land ist und dass das Herz der Japaner, die eine pro-US-hatte. Gefühl war zerrissen, zerrissen wird, ist der Anfang.
Es macht dieses Ding Gelegenheit und die Anstifter, die die Japaner auf die anti-amerikanische Gefühl angestiftet Asahi Shimbun selbst, wo Ihnen helfen lassen.
Asahi Shimbun beschrieben Sie als Brute-Amerika zu sein.
Wenn Sie schließlich aus Feindschaft gegen Japan mehr öffnen und stoppte die Ausfuhr von Erdöl, die eine Rettungsleine in Japan ist, schrie Asahi Shimbun.
Es ist die verhassten Staaten, eine Regierung, und es macht auf einmal Krieg und es sollte die US-schießen ..
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