It is possible to imagine what kind of human being the one, Otsu District Court's Yamamoto Yoshihiko presiding judge, is almost.
It is because there is an experience to have been stunned, hearing that the judge said in front of my eyes "therefore, I say that the land is not whose one, too," at the Tokyo District Court several years of 20 ago.
This judge or the presiding judge this time, the Faculty of Law of the University that they learned was an era that had been swept to Marxism. It would be so at many universities even now.
Even though, it is horrible judgment.
I knew NHK news in Kansai area at 6 p.m., seeing it but I was made to think that there were nuclear power plants in Otsu City for a while.
I noticed at a later time that the Takahama nuclear power plant was in Fukui Prefecture, facing Sea of Japan.
So-called citizen and the lawyers apply to the nuclear power plant in Korea which is added at a breath in the place which faced Sea of Japan now and the nuclear power plant in China for the interim order of the construction stop and the shutdown, and Otsu District Court's presiding judge must give a judgment like this time.
Otherwise, in their words and deeds it is because there is nothing of meaning.
In their thinking it is because there is no legitimacy.
Korea and China are a competition partner country in Japan.
As for their idea, worldwide, make the atomic technology in Japan to have consummated degrade and the excellent technical expert tries to bring a result like a situation which was washed away to Korea, China to the most excellent level from the former electric appliance manufacturer group.
It is the fact of the wisdom of the many that the technology of Korea and China to be related to the nuclear power plant among is bad overwhelmingly compared with Japan.
Japan and the Japanese people, do not forget that South Korea and China is also a country that has the CIA.
Moreover both countries, a long time of the postwar days, they are the countries the national policy of which are anti-Japanese propaganda.
That the CIA operates so-called citizen group (it isn't necessary to say that most are the human beings of the leftist), it is the one as it twists the hand of the infant, rather than, it will be a story with the more elementary level of their activity.
The schoolchild should know that it rejoices, making it lose an atomic technology from Japan, it thought of someone.
It doesn't understand even such an elementary thing, it is only these human beings that it is manipulated by the governments such as Korea and China and the CIA or the agents of it.
These they are Asahi Shimbun which is the foundation of the state of the brain of so-called citizen and the lawyers and the partial judge, then them who grew up with they subscribing and so-called men of culture who sided with this.
That I referred when the quisling was literally the word which describes them is as above-mentioned.