文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

However, Japanese national reaction is different from Asahi Shimbun and so on.

2016年03月10日 22時59分52秒 | 日記

I am watching NHK NEWS WEB that is airing from 23:30 sometimes.

Asahi Shimbun today was writing that Otsu District Court's one judge passed the decision to make Kansai Electric Power Co., Inc.'s Takahama nuclear power plant stop, approving using all of the FrontPages.

However, Japanese national reaction is different from Asahi Shimbun and so on.

The opinion which was murmured to NHK NEWS WEB in the synchronization from the twitter last night is below.

A nuclear power plant is stopped by only 29 people (isn't it bad?)

Do you know that it isn't good to stop and to operate a nuclear power plant and to repeat?

The judge shows pointing first and will have to show what the standard of the judgement is.... (There were many similar opinions).

It is not the matter which one judge judges....

There were more opinions to criticize the judgement of this judge for the most part.

On the way, in this judge, as for the previous action, rejected antecedents were introduced.

The same human being rejects and admits the problem to be the same in the strangeness.

Asahi Shimbun thinks that the Japanese people are quisling like you, but  it is a big mistake.

If saying forcibly, no one can trust you or hears your complaint any longer.

Except Alexis Dudden, Japan Federation of Bar Associations, and So-called citizen group and the Members of Parliament who are equal to the quisling who belongs to the Democratic Party which only talks about as your complaint.


2016年03月10日 21時37分16秒 | 日記













また、この人物が緊急時にもかかわらず、「ところで東工大にも専門家はいるか」と自身の出身校の学閥にこだわったことと合わせて「そんなこと知ってもしようがないだろ!」 「なんだ!この質問は!」などといらだつ班目氏の「心の声」も書き込まれている。 



「再臨界の可能性があるのに海水注入なんかできるか!」 班目氏がある官邸政治家に「総理はすぐ怒鳴り散らしますね」と言ったところ、この政治家が別の首相補佐官を示してこう述べるシーンも印象的だ。  











2016年03月10日 19時58分56秒 | 日記








間もなく101歳となるが、いまだ発明家として研究の日々を送る佐々木さんがジョブズとの出会いを振り返った。  「髪の毛が伸び放題で、Tシャツにジーンズ姿。まるでヒッピーのようでしたね」。




=つづく(12日掲載) (戸津井康之)


2016年03月10日 19時02分06秒 | 日記











2016年03月10日 18時49分55秒 | 日記


以下は石平さんがChina Watchと題して産経新聞に連載しているコラムからである。













2016年03月10日 18時17分35秒 | 日記













また、この人物が緊急時にもかかわらず、「ところで東工大にも専門家はいるか」と自身の出身校の学閥にこだわったことと合わせて「そんなこと知ってもしようがないだろ!」 「なんだ!この質問は!」などといらだつ班目氏の「心の声」も書き込まれている。 



「再臨界の可能性があるのに海水注入なんかできるか!」 班目氏がある官邸政治家に「総理はすぐ怒鳴り散らしますね」と言ったところ、この政治家が別の首相補佐官を示してこう述べるシーンも印象的だ。  










They are threatening truly to the safety of the state.

2016年03月10日 14時07分20秒 | 日記

This state is a military comfort woman problem, or in front of the Korean school, the identity isn't known, no one of the Japanese people knows, it seems to be the right wing which is equal to the waster, in other words the human beings that the possibility of the Korean resident in Japan is very high, blare with the loudspeaker, then so called citizen group went to the United Nations expressly, it is indicting that Japan is a carefree country of hate speech.

So-called citizen group, and the Japan Federation of Bar Associations which supports this, with Asahi Shimbun, with so-called men of culture who side with these.

The human being of one which doesn't change at all with them, it overrules the policy of the state coolly.

There are lawyers it does judgment with courage and so on and who praise this.

They are threatening truly to the safety of the state.

There is a word, the quisling, to describe them.


2016年03月10日 13時42分29秒 | 日記


「フランス人は、原発事故が明らかになってからこれまでに7000人が出国したとみられています。また、中国人も凄かった。空港には一時、数千人が押しかけていました」(社会部記者) 中国へは普段2万~3万円ほどのチケット代なのに、片道約13万円を払ってでも帰ろうとする者も。「中国の場合、留学生に大使館から電話がかかってくるのです。強制ではないが、日本から逃げたほうがいいと。日本にいる10分の1ぐらいの留学生がすでに帰ったでしょう。全体では数万人にのぼるはず」(同)。とにかく日本にいては危ないというわけか、3月26日には千葉県から長崎に逃げだした不法滞在の中国人男性(48)が,“強制送還してほしい”と警察に出頭する事件も起きている。ところが、専門家によれば、中国に帰ったところで浴びる放射線が減るわけではない。
「こうなってしまうのは中国政府が情報統制して正確な情報を公開しないからです。だから、人がもたらす情報を信じるしかない。それがデマであってもです」 この騒動、いったん収束したが、今度は食塩を返すから金を返してくれと騒ぎになっているとか。日本の原発事故などそっちのけで。


*日本のテレビが、この20年超、やり続けて来た事は、真似てはいけないアジアの indecency を流し続けて来たのだと、私が言い続けてきている事が、その通りであることが、分かるのではないか。

Surely, for the world, it continued to make an effort day and night for the person,

2016年03月10日 13時21分04秒 | 日記

As for my writing the opinion to be about 2 % in any country in the world about the hoodlum, the reader is as it knows.

In Japan, as for Phone fraud, the crime which the waster of the member that the Korean resident in Japan accounts for 99 % and so on twine round doesn't cease.

However, will the judiciary in Japan be punishing them severely?

In all of the people who faced their evil, it should say NO.

Situations where there called Bad Sleep Well is not that what also limited to the embodiment of the international community. It aspects there as authoritatively in the legal community of Japan.

Nonetheless, to be represented by the judge of Otsu District Court this time, the Marxism and so on with the brain which was intertwined to pulp to the false moralism which has been complete with the reading Asahi Shimbun and growing up.

Surely, for the world, it continued to make an effort day and night for the person, Kansai Electric Power which isn't exaggerated at all even if it says a public service corporation, they are treating as the malefactor just, they make the nuclear power plant stop immediately.

This article continues

Bad Sleep Wel is with the status of the international politics completely.

2016年03月10日 13時09分58秒 | 日記

2 % of the population is a devil.

Phone fraud doesn't cease in Japan.

The waster exists in the rear of the person who braves such a crime.

The great part of the human being who composes a waster in Japan is a Korean resident in Japan.

However, will the judiciary in Japan be punishing them severely?

In all of the people who faced their evil, it says NO.

Bad Sleep Wel is with the status of the international politics completely.

Nevertheless, this time, the judge in Ootsu District Court passed such a decision.

Let's see his brain structure, thinking of it.
He should have learned learning based on the marxism in the university.

In other words, it should have graduated while the leftist thought is sweeping over.
The mistake will not lie in being the human being who grew up with he subscribing to Asahi Shimbun.

Kansai Electric Power continues to make an effort day and night for the Japan and the Japanese. It isn't exaggerated at all even if it says a public service corporation.

But the judge in Ootsu District Court treats the corporation as just the malefactor.

He gave an order to stop the nuclear power plant immediately.

This article continues

Asahi Shimbun thinks that the Japanese people are quisling like you, but it is a big mistake

2016年03月10日 12時16分21秒 | 日記

I am watching NHK NEWS WEB that is airing from 23:30 sometimes.

Asahi Shimbun today was writing that Otsu District Court's one judge passed the decision to make Kansai Electric Power Co., Inc.'s Takahama nuclear power plant stop, approving using all of the FrontPages.

However, Japanese national reaction is different from Asahi Shimbun and so on.

The opinion which was murmured to NHK NEWS WEB in the synchronization from the twitter last night is below.

A nuclear power plant is stopped by only 29 people (isn't it bad?)

Do you know that it isn't good to stop and to operate a nuclear power plant and to repeat?

The judge shows pointing first and will have to show what the standard of the judgement is.... (There were many similar opinions).

It is not the matter which one judge judges....

There were more opinions to criticize the judgement of this judge for the most part.

On the way, in this judge, as for the previous action, rejected antecedents were introduced.

The same human being rejects and admits the problem to be the same in the strangeness.

Asahi Shimbun thinks that the Japanese people are quisling like you, but  it is a big mistake.

If saying forcibly, no one can trust you or hears your complaint any longer.

Except Alexis Dudden, Japan Federation of Bar Associations, and So-called citizen group and the Members of Parliament who are equal to the quisling who belongs to the Democratic Party which only talks about as your complaint.

En premier lieu, les gars qui ont écrit au début d'aujourd'hui

2016年03月10日 12時04分11秒 | 日記

En premier lieu, les gars qui ont écrit au début d'aujourd'hui font au problème, ceux qui haïssent la parole au Japon, il est étrange et anormal.

Tout d'abord, 99,9% des Japonais, n'a jamais vu ce genre de spectacle.

La vidéo qu'ils ont été portés à l'Organisation des Nations Unies, il est l'image qui se reflète des êtres humains qui sont soi-disant droite sûrement.

Vraiment petit nombre d'êtres humains quand considérer dans le sens commun de la communauté internationale, le nombre de ceux qui ne savent même pas où elle existe, vraiment petit nombre d'êtres humains.

Ce sont les êtres humains qui utilisent un langage violent qui existe certainement dans le pays partout dans le monde, mais le nombre est le nombre de personnes de ne pas montrer, car il est trop peu et il a honte si penser vraiment du bon sens de l'international Communauté.

En premier lieu, un certain nombre d'êtres humains qui sont décrits comme étant une aile droite très près autant avec le gangster est le fait de la sagesse du grand nombre.

Cet article continue

In primo luogo, i ragazzi che hanno scritto all'inizio di ogg

2016年03月10日 12時03分33秒 | 日記

In primo luogo, i ragazzi che hanno scritto all'inizio di oggi stanno facendo per il problema, quelli che odiano il discorso in Giappone, è strano e anormale.

Prima di tutto, il 99,9% dei giapponesi, mai visto questo tipo di spettacolo.

Il video che sono stati portati presso le Nazioni Unite, è l'immagine che si riflette esseri umani che sono i cosiddetti destra sicuramente.

Davvero piccolo numero di esseri umani, quando considera nel senso comune della comunità internazionale, il numero di coloro che non sanno nemmeno dove esiste, davvero piccolo numero di esseri umani.

Si tratta di esseri umani che usano il linguaggio violento che esiste certamente nel paese ovunque in tutto il mondo, ma il numero è il numero di persone non mostrare perché è troppo poco ed è vergogna se pensa davvero dal senso comune del internazionali comunità.

In primo luogo, un certo numero di esseri umani che sono descritti come una destra molto stretta molto con il gangster è il fatto della saggezza di molti.

Questo articolo continua

En primer lugar, los chicos que escribieron a principios

2016年03月10日 12時02分58秒 | 日記

En primer lugar, los chicos que escribieron a principios de hoy están haciendo al problema, los que las expresiones de odio en Japón, es extraño y anormal.

En primer lugar, el 99,9% de los japoneses, nunca vio este tipo de espectáculo.

El vídeo que fueron llevados a las Naciones Unidas, es la imagen que se refleja seres humanos que son los llamados de derecha con seguridad.

Realmente pequeño número de seres humanos cuando se consideran en el sentido común de la comunidad internacional, el número de como no sabe aún cuando existe, realmente pequeño número de seres humanos.

Se trata de los seres humanos que utilizan el lenguaje violento que existe sin duda en el país en cualquier lugar en todo el mundo, pero el número es el número de gente que no se muestran porque es demasiado poco y se avergüenza si pensara en realidad del sentido común de la comunidad internacional comunidad.

En primer lugar, una serie de seres humanos que se describe como una derecha muy de cerca tanto con el gángster es el hecho de la sabiduría de los muchos.

Este artículo continúa

In erster Linie, Jungs, die am Anfang schrieb heute

2016年03月10日 12時02分25秒 | 日記

In erster Linie, Jungs, die am Anfang schrieb heute mit dem Problem zu tun, diejenigen, die Rede in Japan hassen, ist es seltsam und abnormal.

Zunächst einmal 99,9% der Menschen in Japan, sah nie diese Art von Schauspiel.

Das Video, das sie bei den Vereinten Nationen gebracht wurden, ist es das Bild, das Menschen widerspiegelt, die sind Rechtsextremismus sicherlich so genannte.

Wirklich kleine Anzahl von Menschen, wenn sie in den gesunden Menschenverstand der internationalen Gemeinschaft betrachten, die Zahl der, wie nicht einmal wissen, wo es vorhanden ist, sehr kleine Anzahl von Menschen.

Es sind die Menschen, die gewaltsame Sprache verwenden, die überall sicher auf dem Land gibt es überall auf der Welt, aber die Zahl ist die Zahl der Menschen, nicht zu zeigen, weil es zu wenig ist, und es ist beschämt, wenn wirklich von dem gesunden Menschenverstand des internationalen Denken Gemeinschaft.

In erster Linie, eine Reihe von Menschen, die einen rechten Flügel als sehr eng viel mit dem Gangster beschrieben werden, ist die Tatsache, dass die Weisheit der vielen.

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