文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

However, the Japan knocked down Shina after the Hawaiian tumult and beat it to white state Russia

2016年03月30日 21時41分52秒 | 日記

The following is the sequel which is "thrilling 35 Chapter to wake up the eyes of the Japanese" of Takayama Masayuki who is the one and only journalist in the world after the war.

Then, what opportunity is the first to Theodore began to Japan hostile.

It is proper but it is not the Manchurian Incident 40 years after of Mr. Matsumoto saying.

This is also in the history books.

Cruiser "Naniwa" in Japan got on Honolulu when the American group took over a Hawaiian kingdom in the force in 1893 and did a speechless protest.

Deciding that it was selfish by Berlin treaty in 1885 whatever unreasonableness the white state might do in Third World.

However, that Japan made a warship board and protesting, of course, it gathered attention in the world.

How much is said to be the convenience of the white, this is bad.

The United States was supposed to extend five years the Hawaii annexation.

These times, the white were God.

For example, for the sake of modernization in Argentina, they did the massacre of Indio who was surviving a little.

Ordered Julio Argentino Roca General is installed in the president in the achievement.

The coursing which shoots an Aborigine dead in Australia was the amusement of the white on the weekend and in the U.S., Lincoln president is ordering that Indian extermination is emancipation of slaves concurrently.

The U.S. was made to be put to shame by the Japanese of the flesh color the same as the Indio.

It is the remark from being irritating at this time that barked, saying "it stands a Star-Spangled Banner to the full in Hawaii" by Theodore.

However, the Japan knocked down Shina after the Hawaiian tumult and beat it to white state Russia.

If leaving alone, the authority of the white has collapsed.

Theodore's "it controls Japan" thought swelled with the thought which is common to the American.

The flow of the history, if anything, the U.S. prepared a war to Japan and was eager to smash up, better to see that there is some consistency.

It is by ex-prime minister Mahathir in Malaysia that the U.S. smashed up Japan by indicating "it was not because Japan was an invasion state and it was from the dignity of the white who dominates Third World ".

This article continues.

I didn't know him at all until last year, it is because I was the subscriber of Asahi Shimbun.

2016年03月30日 20時50分53秒 | 日記

What newspaper Asahi Shimbun is, Takayama Masayuki's book that I introduced the other day, lets us know excellently.
I didn't know him at all until last year, it is because I was the subscriber of Asahi Shimbun.
As for the Asahi, by all means, the advertisement of his book didn't form in its newspaper, it should not permitted an advertisement.
Needless to say, in the critique, because it took never up once.
Therefore, I didn't know at all.

but he exists in Japan, it is of the cases to be proving obvious first that Japan is

2016年03月30日 19時09分05秒 | 日記

The following is from "thrilling 35 Chapter to wake up the eyes of the Japanese" of Takayama Masayuki who is the one and only journalist in the world after the war.

I knew him for the first time last year to the thing of to be sorry for him but he exists in Japan, it is of the cases to be proving obvious first that Japan is the country where the turntable of civilization is turning around.

Statement emphasized other than masthead is me.

Chapter 2, the strange cooperation between Oe Kenzaburo and Asahi Shimbun

The folly of Asahi Shimbun and Kenichi Matsumoto which isn't glad about "Japan's being restored"

China and Asahi Shimbun supported APEC formerly, why do you speak ill recently?

Mr. Kenichi Matsumoto of the critic is judging in his book "Japan's failure", saying "Japan was an invasion state" only based on the remark of the racist Henry Lewis Stimson who dislikes Japan.

He did it for irrefutable evidence in the Manchurian Incident in the beginning in the 30s, Japan establishes a puppet government in Manchuria, it controls Shina in the rigger in it, while against the communism of the Soviet Union, "It stepped forward in one step to the fascism revolution which tries to transcend imperialism in U.K. and U.S.” (99 pages of that books) he wrote.

It is the same approximately as that "Tanaka Memorial" that Prime Minister Tanaka Giichi advised His Majesty the Emperor about it to conquer the world.

However, ready dead Yamagata Aritomo remarks into "Tanaka Memorial" and make a mistake in the place where Prime Minister Tanaka himself was attacked by the terrorist of the Korean.

In short, are messy completely.

It is the bogus document which was fabricated for the Chinese to remove reputation in Japan, the principal at the social studies academy in Beijing admitted fabrication, doing the remark barely the other day, "Such documents did not exist" ("the sound argument" April number, 2006).

However, Mr. Matsumoto asserts an absurd story the same as the fabrication document to do "Japan is an invasion state" because of "Stimson is saying so".

Then, come out to be able to seal Japan which the U.S. makes that the military affairs are threatening by seeing the Manchurian Incident, at last, in that way that the invasion state - Japan fought against the U.S., it is being described like this and also a historical fact.

So 40 years that prior to the Manchurian Incident, Theodore Roosevelt was saying, "It stands tens of Star-Spangled Banners in the islands in Hawaii to control Japan, and the canal which links the Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean must be constructed." (the letter to the strategist Alfred Thayer Mahan), he discloses strategy design toward Japan, actually, it merges Hawaii as the word within several years from it, it makes the Philippines a colony, and it built a canal, deceiving and taking away Panama, how do you describe?

Moreover, the Japanese hostility plan of this Roosevelt to next Woodrow Wilson, moreover, via Secretary of State Henry Stimson of President Huber, without breaking off to Franklin D. Roosevelt, it was taken over, even the high school student who studied history knows a little.

By the way, F. Roosevelt of the Democratic Party expressly greeted Stimson which was the Secretary of State of the Republican Party administration to Army Secretary.

By the evaluation by one of "he disliked Japan", it made it do diplomacy toward Japan, expecting him to do Japan-U.S. war.

This article continues.

Quando se pensa

2016年03月30日 16時48分53秒 | 日記

Ele deveria ter sido feita a fantasia do assinante da Asahi Shimbun e assim por diante para ser um litigante justo em Shoichi Watanabe até agosto de dois anos atrás.
Porque eu também era assim, não há espaço para duvidar.
Isto significa que a cobertura do Asahi Shimbun, na ideia de que oprimem o Japão e os japoneses, o moralismo de pretensão tem sido mista, que tinha sido dramatizada em seu pensamento.
Ao invés de dizer a verdade, dizer o espírito de seu próprio, foi Asahi Shimbun.
Quando se pensa que não deve ser o ano de agosto, antes última, é a história para estremecer com fato.
Devido a sua gravidade (é mau infantilmente) é como ele se refere.
By the way, o Sr. Shouichi Watanabe vem da prefeitura de Yamagata, que é uma prefeitura da próxima da minha cidade natal.
Sr. Watanabe me permite saber o fato histórico que eu que subscreveu o Asahi não sabia.
Estou tocado fora por seu papel ea coisa de fato importantes flashes como revelação.
Eu sinto que o Sr. Watanabe é ler o meu papel.
Sr. Watanabe está escrevendo o primeiro papel principal no número da revista mensal será em abril.
Se o leitor lê a seguinte parte, ele vai se sentir que o Sr. Watanabe está provando de forma concisa como o artigo sobre a piscar no meu cérebro.
Supondo que o Sr. Watanabe não é ler o meu artigo, temos a mesma completamente cérebro.
Quando a parte da ênfase preto é com que eu era especificamente para o livro no outro dia por completo, o leitor deve admirar.
A abreviatura preâmbulo

Quand on pense qu'il

2016年03月30日 16時48分25秒 | 日記

Il aurait dû être faite à la fantaisie de l'abonné d'Asahi Shimbun et ainsi de suite pour être un disputeur juste dans Shoichi Watanabe jusqu'en Août il y a deux ans.
Parce que moi aussi, en était ainsi, il n'y a pas de place au doute.
Cela signifie que la couverture de l'Asahi Shimbun, sur l'idée qui oppriment le Japon et les Japonais, le moralisme de prétexte a été mélangé, il avait été mis en scène dans leur pensée.
Plutôt que de dire la vérité, dire l'esprit de leur propre, il était Asahi Shimbun.
Quand on pense qu'il ne devrait pas être l'année dernière avant Août, il est l'histoire à frémir en effet.
Parce que leur gravité (il est méchant puérilement) est tel qu'il fait référence.
Par ailleurs, M. Shouichi Watanabe vient de la préfecture de Yamagata qui est une préfecture de la prochaine de ma ville natale.
M. Watanabe me permet de savoir le fait historique que moi qui a souscrit à l'Asahi ne savait pas.
Je suis touché à pied par son papier et la chose en effet important clignote comme révélation.
Je pense que M. Watanabe est en train de lire mon journal.
M. Watanabe est en train d'écrire la première page papier dans le numéro du magazine mensuel en Avril.
Si le lecteur lit la partie suivante, il se sentira que M. Watanabe se révèle concise que le papier sur le flashage dans mon cerveau.
Supposant que M. Watanabe ne lit pas mon article, nous avons le même cerveau complètement.
Lorsque la partie de l'accent est noir avec que j'étais spécifiquement le livre l'autre jour complètement, le lecteur doit admirer.
L'abréviation préambule

Wenn das Denken,

2016年03月30日 16時48分00秒 | 日記

Es sollte der Teilnehmer von Asahi Shimbun und so weiter sein, um einen gerechten disputant in Shoichi Watanabe bis August vor zwei Jahren Phantasie gemacht wurden.
Weil ich war auch so, daran zu zweifeln, kein Platz ist.
Dies bedeutet, dass die Berichterstattung über die Asahi Shimbun, auf die Idee, dass die Japan und die Japaner, die Moralismus Vortäuschung bedrücken gemischt worden ist, ist es in ihrem Denken dramatisiert worden war.
Statt die Wahrheit zu sagen, den Geist ihrer eigenen sagen, es war Asahi Shimbun.
Wenn das Denken, dass es nicht August vorletztes Jahr sein sollte, ist es die Geschichte in der Tat zu schaudern.
Weil ihre Schwere (es böse ist kindisch) ist, wie es bezeichnet.
By the way, kommt Herr Shouichi Watanabe von der Präfektur Yamagata, die eine Präfektur der nächsten meiner Heimatstadt ist.
Herr Watanabe lässt mich die historische Tatsache wissen, was ich die abonnierten die Asahi nicht kannte.
Ich bin von seiner Zeitung und die in der Tat wichtige Sache blinkt wie Offenbarung berührt wird.
Ich glaube, dass Herr Watanabe mein Papier liest.
Herr Watanabe schreibt die erste Seite Papier in der Anzahl der Monatszeitschrift im April.
Wenn der Leser die folgenden Teil liest, wird es das Gefühl, dass Herr Watanabe zu blinken in meinem Gehirn prägnant wie das Papier erweist.
Angenommen, dass Herr Watanabe ist mein Artikel nicht lesen, haben wir das völlig gleiche Gehirn.
Wenn der Teil des schwarzen Betonung mit dem ist, ich neulich ganz speziell auf das Buch war, sollte der Leser bewundern.
Die Präambel Abkürzung

Cuando se piensa

2016年03月30日 16時47分37秒 | 日記

Lo que debería haber sido hecho a la fantasía del abonado de Asahi Shimbun y así sucesivamente para ser un litigante justos en Shoichi Watanabe hasta agosto de hace dos años.
Porque yo también era así, no hay espacio para dudar.
Esto significa que la cobertura de Asahi Shimbun, en la idea de que oprimen el Japón y los japoneses, el moralismo de la simulación se ha mezclado, se había dramatizado en su pensamiento.
En lugar de decir la verdad, decirle al espíritu de su propia, que era Asahi Shimbun.
Cuando se piensa que no debería ser el año de agosto, antes de la última, que es la historia a estremecerse al efecto.
Debido a su gravedad (es infantilmente malvado) es que se refería.
Por cierto, el Sr. Watanabe Shouichi proviene de la prefectura de Yamagata, que es una prefectura de la próxima de mi ciudad natal.
Watanabe me permite saber el hecho histórico que lo que se suscribieron a la Asahi no lo sabía.
Estoy conmovido por fuera de su papel y lo hecho importantes destellos como revelación.
Siento que el señor Watanabe está leyendo mi artículo.
Watanabe está escribiendo el primer documento de página en el número de la revista mensual será en abril.
Si el lector lee la siguiente parte, se sentirá que el Sr. Watanabe está demostrando ser más concisa sobre el papel intermitente en mi cerebro.
Suponiendo que el Sr. Watanabe no está leyendo mi artículo, tenemos el mismo cerebro completo.
Cuando la parte del énfasis es negro con el que estaba específicamente en el libro el otro día completo, el lector debe admirar.
La abreviatura preámbulo

Quando si pensa

2016年03月30日 16時47分13秒 | 日記

Avrebbe dovuto essere fatto per fantasia sottoscrittore di Asahi Shimbun e così via per essere un disputant giusto in Shoichi Watanabe fino ad agosto di due anni fa.
Perché io, troppo, era così, non c'è spazio al dubbio.
Ciò significa che la copertura del Asahi Shimbun, sull'idea che opprimono il Giappone e il giapponese, il moralismo di finzione è stato mescolato, era stata drammatizzata nel loro pensiero.
Invece di dire la verità, dire lo spirito di loro, era Asahi Shimbun.
Quando si pensa che non ci dovrebbe essere l'anno scorso agosto prima, è la storia di rabbrividire al anzi.
Perché la loro gravità (che è malvagio infantile) è come indicato.
Tra l'altro, il signor Watanabe Shouichi viene dalla Prefettura di Yamagata, che è una prefettura della prossima della mia città natale.
Mr. Watanabe mi permette di sapere il fatto storico che io che ha sottoscritto l'Asahi non lo sapeva.
Sono commosso fuori dalla sua carta e le realtà importanti lampeggia cosa come rivelazione.
Ritengo che il signor Watanabe sta leggendo il mio articolo.
Mr. Watanabe sta scrivendo la prima carta pagina nel numero della rivista mensile nel mese di aprile.
Se il lettore legge la seguente parte, si sentono che il signor Watanabe sta dimostrando in modo conciso come la carta su lampeggiare nel mio cervello.
Supponendo che il signor Watanabe non sta leggendo il mio articolo, abbiamo la stessa completamente cervello.
Quando la parte del enfasi nera è con che ero specificamente al libro l'altro giorno completamente, il lettore deve ammirare.
L'abbreviazione preambolo


2016年03月30日 16時46分46秒 | 日記



2016年03月30日 16時46分22秒 | 日記



2016年03月30日 16時45分59秒 | 日記

그것은 2 년 전 8 월까지 와타나베 쇼이치의 의로운 논쟁 자이 될 등등 아사히 신문의 가입자 공상과에 적용된한다.
나는 때문에, 너무, 의심 할 여지가 아니므로했다.
이는 일본과 일본을 억압 생각에 아사히 신문의 보도는, 가식의 도덕이 그들의 생각을 각색했다, 혼합 된 것을 의미한다.
오히려, 진실을 말할 자신의 정신을 이야기보다, 그것은 아사히 신문이었다.
마지막 전에 8월 해가 없을 것을 생각하면 참으로 전율하는 이야기입니다.
심각도가 (이 childishly 악인이다) 때문에이 언급이다.
그런데, 씨 Shouichi 와타나베 내 고향의 다음의 현이다 야마가타 현에서 온다.
와타나베 씨는 나를 아사히 몰랐에 내가 가입 한 역사적인 사실을 알 수 있습니다.
나는 그의 종이와 계시처럼 참으로 중요한 것은 깜박 의해 촉발하고있다.
나는 와타나베 씨가 내 논문을 읽고 생각합니다.
와타나베 씨는 4 월에 월간 잡지 의지의 수의 첫 페이지 논문을 쓰고있다.
독자는 다음과 같은 부분을 읽어 경우, 와타나베 씨가 내 머리에 번쩍에 대한 용지로 간결하게 증명되는 것을 느낄 것이다.
와타나베 씨가 내 기사를 읽고되지 않는다는 것을 가정하면, 우리는 완전히 같은 두뇌를 가지고있다.
블랙 강조의 부분은 내가 다른 날 완전히 책을 구체적으로했다 그와 함께있을 때, 독자는 감탄한다.
프리앰블 약어

Когда вы думаете,

2016年03月30日 16時45分38秒 | 日記

Это не должно было быть сделано, чтобы фантазии абонент Asahi Shimbun и так далее, чтобы быть праведным спорщик в Шоичи Ватанабе до августа еще два года назад.
Потому что я тоже был так, нет места сомнению.
Это означает, что охват Asahi Shimbun, на идее о том, что угнетать Японию и японцев, морализм притворства была неоднозначной, она была экранизирована в их мысли.
Вместо того, чтобы сказать правду, скажите дух своих собственных, это было Асахи симбун.
Когда вы думаете, что там не должно быть августа позапрошлого года, это история содрогнуться в самом деле.
Из-за их тяжести (это нечестивые ребячески) является, как это называется.
Кстати, г-н Shouichi Ватанабе приходит из префектуры Ямагата, который является префектура следующий из моего родного города.
Г-н Ватанабе позволяет мне знать, исторический факт, который я, кто подписался на Asahi не знал.
Я выпалило его бумаги и в самом деле важная вещь вспышки, как откровение.
Я чувствую, что г-н Ватанабе читает мою статью.
Г-н Ватанабе пишет первой страницы бумаги в количестве ежемесячного журнала будет в апреле.
Если читатель считывает следующую часть, он будет чувствовать, что г-н Ватанабе оказывается сжато как бумага о мигания в моем мозгу.
Предположив, что г-н Ватанабе не читает мою статью, мы имеем совершенно тот же мозг.
Когда часть черного с акцентом является, что я был конкретно в книге другой день полностью, читатель должен восхищаться.
Преамбула аббревиатура

Când ne gândim că

2016年03月30日 16時45分12秒 | 日記

Ar fi trebuit făcută să fantezie abonat Asahi Shimbun și așa mai departe de a fi un drept în Shoichi adversar Watanabe până în luna august de acum doi ani.
Pentru că eu, de asemenea, a fost așa, nu există spațiu să se îndoiască.
Acest lucru înseamnă că acoperirea Asahi Shimbun, pe ideea că oprimă Japonia și japonezii, moralismul prefăcătoriei a fost amestecat, fusese în întruchipată gândirea lor.
Mai degrabă decât să spună adevărul, spune spiritul propriei lor, a fost Asahi Shimbun.
Când ne gândim că nu ar trebui să fie anul trecut august, înainte, aceasta este povestea să se cutremure la într-adevăr.
Pentru că severitatea lor (este rea pueril), este așa cum se face referire.
Apropo, dl Shouichi Watanabe vine din Yamagata Prefectura, care este o prefectura de alta din orașul meu natal.
Dl. Watanabe îmi permite să cunoască faptul istoric pe care am subscris la care Asahi nu au știut.
Sunt mișcat de pe hârtia lui și, într-adevăr importante, clipește lucru ca revelație.
Mă simt că domnul Watanabe citește ziarul meu.
Dl. Watanabe este scris prima lucrare pagină din numărul revistei lunare WILL în luna aprilie.
În cazul în care cititorul citește următoarea parte, se va simți că domnul Watanabe se dovedește a fi mai concis ziar despre intermitent în creierul meu.
Presupunînd că dl Watanabe nu citește articolul meu, avem complet acelasi creier.
În cazul în care partea accentul negru este cu faptul că am fost în mod specific la carte cealaltă zi complet, cititorul ar trebui să admire.
Prescurtarea preambul

Kai galvoju, kad ten

2016年03月30日 16時44分49秒 | 日記

Tai turėjo būti padaryta išgalvotas Asahi Shimbun abonentas ir tt, kad būtų teisus Disputētājs į Shoichi Watanabe iki rugpjūčio prieš dvejus metus.
Nes aš irgi buvo taip, nėra vietos, kad abejoju.
Tai reiškia, kad "Asahi Shimbun aprėptis, idėja, kad engti Japonija ir Japonijos, kad apsimetinėti moralizmas buvo sumaišytos, tai buvo Teatralizuotas savo minties.
Užuot pasakyti tiesą, pasakyti savo dvasią, jis buvo "Asahi Shimbun".
Kai galvoju, kad ten turėtų būti rugpjūčio užpernai, tai yra istorija, kad šiurpinti ne iš tikrųjų.
Nes jų stiprumas (tai yra blogis vaikiškai) yra kaip nurodyta.
Beje, p Shouichi Watanabe ateina iš Yamagata prefektūros, kuri yra šalia mano gimtajame prefektūra.
P Watanabe leidžia man žinoti istorinę faktą, kurį aš pasirašę "Asahi nežinojo.
Aš palietė ne jo popieriaus ir iš tiesų svarbus dalykas mirksi kaip apreiškimo.
Manau, kad ponas Watanabe skaito mano knygą.
P Watanabe rašo pirmojo puslapio popierius į mėnesį žurnalas skaičiaus balandžio mėn.
Jei skaitytojas skaito šią dalį, jis jausis, kad p Watanabe įrodė glaustai kaip popieriaus apie mirksi mano smegenis.
Tarkim, kad p Watanabe Netiksli skaito mano straipsnį, mes turime visiškai tą patį smegenis.
Kai juoda dėmesio dalis yra su tuo buvau specialiai knygos kitą dieną visiškai, skaitytojas turėtų grožėtis.
Preambulėje santrumpa

Domājot, ka nevajadzētu

2016年03月30日 16時44分25秒 | 日記

Būtu tika veikti iedomātā abonents Asahi Shimbun un tā tālāk, lai būtu taisnīgs disputētājs in Shoichi Watanabe līdz augustam pirms diviem gadiem.
Jo man arī bija tā, ka nav vietas, lai šaubīties.
Tas nozīmē, ka pārklājums Asahi Shimbun, ar domu, ka apspiest Japānu un Japānas, tad morāle ir izlikšanās ir sajaukti, tas bija negatīvo viņu domas.
Nevis pateikt patiesību, pastāstīt garu to pašu, tas bija Asahi Shimbun.
Domājot, ka nevajadzētu būt augusts gadu pirms pēdējā, tas ir stāsts, kas nodrebēt pie patiešām.
Jo to smagums (tas ir ļauns bērnišķīgi), ir, kā tas minēts.
Starp citu, Mr Shouichi Watanabe nāk no Yamagata prefektūrā, kas ir prefektūra Nākamās manu dzimtajā pilsētā.
Mr Watanabe ļauj man zināt vēsturisko faktu, ko es, kas parakstījās uz Asahi nezināja.
Es esmu pieskāries pie viņa papīra un patiešām svarīga lieta mirgo kā atklāsmi.
Man liekas, ka Mr Watanabe lasa manu grāmatu.
Mr Watanabe raksta pirmo lapu papīra skaita ikmēneša žurnāls būs aprīlī.
Ja lasītājs nolasa šādu daļu, tā jutīsies, ka Mr Watanabe pierāda īsi kā papīra par mirgo manā smadzenēs.
Pieņemot, ka Mr Watanabe nav lasījums manu rakstu, mums ir pilnīgi tāds pats smadzenes.
Kad daļa no melnā uzsvars ir ar ka es tika īpaši pie grāmatu citu dienu pilnīgi, lai lasītājs apbrīnot.
Preambulā saīsinājums