BBC Iraq hangs 38 on terrorism charges 14 Dec 2017
イラクはテロ容疑者を38人、まとめて絞首刑。すべてIslamic State関係者と言う:「Iraq says it has hanged, in a mass execution, 38 jihadist militants convicted of terrorism offences. The justice ministry said they were all members of so-called Islamic State (IS)」。
9月にも42人、まとめてやったのだそうで、まあなんといおうか:「It was the largest mass execution since 25 September when 42 militants were hanged」。
BBC Militiamen jailed in DR Congo's Kavumu for raping 40 children 13 Dec 2017
「A group of 11 militiamen in the Democratic Republic of Congo have been jailed for life for raping about 40 children, including at least one baby」
いやその、16歳もchild扱いだろうから、そのくらいだと分るんだ。現物の16歳だとどうもそんな気も…だが、それはともかくいろいろ現実的に可能だから。しかし:「The girls they raped between 2013 and 2016 were aged between eight months and 12 years old」。独房に詰め込んで36時間を生き延びたら懲役30年くらいにしてやるぞ、とかでいいんじゃないかなーとか。まあ思っちゃうのも正直な気持ちではあるよなあ、と思うのだ。
「Many of the assaults happened at night. The men were alleged to believe that the blood of virgins would grant them supernatural protection」
あれ? なんかそんな話、見た気がするぞ? と検索したら、過去のメモがあった:「見ていた記事メモ(2017-11-11):DRCのchild rape trialほか(2017-11-11)」
「The Democratic Republic of Congo was labelled "the rape capital of the world" by Margot Wallstrom, the former UN special representative on sexual violence in conflict」
イラクはテロ容疑者を38人、まとめて絞首刑。すべてIslamic State関係者と言う:「Iraq says it has hanged, in a mass execution, 38 jihadist militants convicted of terrorism offences. The justice ministry said they were all members of so-called Islamic State (IS)」。
9月にも42人、まとめてやったのだそうで、まあなんといおうか:「It was the largest mass execution since 25 September when 42 militants were hanged」。
BBC Militiamen jailed in DR Congo's Kavumu for raping 40 children 13 Dec 2017
「A group of 11 militiamen in the Democratic Republic of Congo have been jailed for life for raping about 40 children, including at least one baby」
いやその、16歳もchild扱いだろうから、そのくらいだと分るんだ。現物の16歳だとどうもそんな気も…だが、それはともかくいろいろ現実的に可能だから。しかし:「The girls they raped between 2013 and 2016 were aged between eight months and 12 years old」。独房に詰め込んで36時間を生き延びたら懲役30年くらいにしてやるぞ、とかでいいんじゃないかなーとか。まあ思っちゃうのも正直な気持ちではあるよなあ、と思うのだ。
「Many of the assaults happened at night. The men were alleged to believe that the blood of virgins would grant them supernatural protection」
あれ? なんかそんな話、見た気がするぞ? と検索したら、過去のメモがあった:「見ていた記事メモ(2017-11-11):DRCのchild rape trialほか(2017-11-11)」
「The Democratic Republic of Congo was labelled "the rape capital of the world" by Margot Wallstrom, the former UN special representative on sexual violence in conflict」