久しぶりにルーピーAl Kamenのコラムをチェックしました。
思うか」とAl Kamenに電話を入れてたんですね。
Hatoyama didn't dress for success
By Al Kamen
Washington Post Staff Writer
Saturday, June 5, 2010
We've gotten several phone calls from Japanese reporters
about Wednesday's resignation of Prime Minister Yukio
Hatoyama after just eight months in office. The reporters
implied that a mid-April Loop column -- the one dubbing
him "the biggest loser" at President Obama's nuclear summit
and referring to him as "hapless" and "increasingly loopy"
-- somehow hastened his departure.
思うか」とAl Kamenに電話を入れてたんですね。
Hatoyama didn't dress for success
By Al Kamen
Washington Post Staff Writer
Saturday, June 5, 2010
We've gotten several phone calls from Japanese reporters
about Wednesday's resignation of Prime Minister Yukio
Hatoyama after just eight months in office. The reporters
implied that a mid-April Loop column -- the one dubbing
him "the biggest loser" at President Obama's nuclear summit
and referring to him as "hapless" and "increasingly loopy"
-- somehow hastened his departure.