Digital Addiction(第一週)

2010-06-20 14:36:13 | ラジオ英語
NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語
Digital Addiction (ネット依存症)

Digital Addiction(1)
gee おや、へえっ(Jesusの婉曲表現、驚きを表す)
hit the hay 床に就く、寝る
app applicationの略
go off 鳴りだす
roll over 身体の向きを変える
lose track of ~ ~を忘れる
some たいした、なかなかの
spell ~になる、~の結果をもたらす
reward center (脳の)報酬中枢
adrenaline rush アドレナリンの高まり、興奮状態

Digital Addiction(2)
get hooked on ~ ~に夢中になる
oddly enough 不思議なことに
upside よい面、利点
cognitive power 認識力
alienate 遠ざける、疎遠にする
carpal tunnel syndrome (手指の痛む)主根管症候群
take a person's point (人の)謂うことを正しいと認める

Digital Addiction(3)
12-step program 12段階プログラム(アルコール、薬物などの依存症から立ち直る
wean --- from ~ ---を~から引き離す、乳離れさせる
get down to it つきつめて考えると
beat oneself up 自分を責める
organized きちんとした、まめな

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Like a Spoiled Child

2010-06-20 09:35:27 | 日常
Minerals Management Service)の「ただならぬ関係」がある

Of Top Hats, Top Kills and Bottom Feeders
...some M.M.S. employees were watching porn, using coke and
crystal meth and accepting gifts like trips to the Peach
Bowl game from oil and gas companies, the report said.

Regarding outrageous behavior prior to 2007, one
confidential source told investigators that some M.M.S.
inspectors let oil and gas company staffers fill out
inspection forms using pencils “and MMS inspectors
would write on top of the pencil in ink and turn in
the completed form.”

Sex & Drugs & the Spill
For years, the Minerals Management Service, the arm
of the Interior Department that oversees drilling in
the gulf, minimized the environmental risks of drilling.
It failed to require a backup shutdown system that is
standard in much of the rest of the world, even though
its own staff declared such a system necessary. It
exempted many offshore drillers from the requirement
that they file plans to deal with major oil spills. And
it specifically allowed BP to drill Deepwater Horizon
without a detailed environmental analysis.

According to reports by Interior's inspector general,
abuses at the agency went beyond undue influence: there
was “a culture of substance abuse and promiscuity"―
cocaine, sexual relationships with industry representatives,
and more. Protecting the environment was presumably the
last thing on these government employees' minds.


Bhopal vs BP paradox
Now that same American establishment that has protected
Mr Anderson has been pillorying Tony Hayward, BP's chief
executive, following BP’s oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico.
The tirade has been led by President Barack Obama, who
has been behaving like a spoiled child for the past 50
or so days, casting around for someone to blame when it
is his own officials who are primarily at fault.

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