中東有石油 中国在希土(小平氏が1992年に言った言葉)
レアアースのコンサルタント会社、Industrial Minerals Company of
Australiaの役員Dudley Kingsnorth氏とその周辺の人達であることが
レアアース対日禁輸か 船長釈放へ圧力 東京新聞 2010年9月24日
Amid Tension, China Blocks Vital Exports to Japan By KEITH BRADSHERDudley Kingsnorth, the executive director of the Industrial Minerals
Company of Australia, a rare earth consulting company, said that
several executives in the rare earths industry had already expressed
worries to him about the export ban. The executives have been told
that the initial ban lasts through the end of the month, and that the
Chinese government will reassess then whether to extend the ban if
the fishing captain still has not been released, Mr. Kingsnorth said.
“By stopping the shipments, they’re disrupting commercial contracts,
which is regrettable and will only emphasize the need for geographic
diversity of supply,” he said. He added that in addition to telling
companies to halt exports, the Chinese government had also instructed
customs officials to stop any exports of rare earth minerals to Japan.
Industry officials said that mainland China’s customs agency had
notified companies that they were not allowed to ship to Japan any
rare earth oxides, rare earth salts or pure rare earth metals, although
these shipments are still allowed to go to Hong Kong, Singapore and
other destinations. But no ban has been imposed on the export to
Japan of semi-processed alloys that combine rare earths with other
materials, the officials said. China has been trying to expand its alloy
industry so as to create higher-paying jobs in mining areas, instead
of exporting raw materials for initial processing.
Japan has been the main buyer of Chinese rare earths for many years,
using them for a wide range of industrial purposes, like making glass
for solar panels. They are also used in small steering control motors in
conventional gasoline-powered cars as well as in motors that help
propel hybrid cars like the Toyota Prius.