NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語
NHKラジオ英会話 9月
Week 4 Special Week
Old News Is New Again
9月24日 Part 1
A volunteer group that raises honeybees in a city has held an event in
a bid to encourage urbanites to take more interest in nature...
honeybee ミツバチ
in a bid to ~ ~しようと、~する目的で
urbanite 都会人
in a heart of ~ ~の中心地、真ん中で
nectar 花の蜜
within a few kilometer radius 半径数キロの範囲で
beehive ミツバチの巣、巣箱
extract honey 蜜を取り出す
Part 2
Workers have finished building the world's longest cable-stayed bridge,
connecting Russian Far East city of Vladivostok to Russky Island about
two kilometers away...
cable-stayed bridge 斜張橋(斜めに張ったケーブルで橋桁を支える吊り橋の
diagonally extended 斜めに張った、のばされた
bridge girder 橋桁
central span 塔と塔の間の中央の長さ
surpass 記録を破る、超える、抜く
Asian-Pacific Economic Cooperation Forum Summit アジア太平洋経済
Russian authorities ロシア当局
enhanced role in Asia アジアでの強化された役割、アジア進出
9月25日 Sing Along with Us!
For He's A Jolly Good Fellow
American version
British version
The Bear Went Over The Mountain
9月26日 A Song 4 U
Connie Stevens - Sixteen Reasons
9月27日 Grammar for Better Conversation
10,000 ten thousand
11,000 eleven thousand
50,000 fifty thousand
99,000 ninety-nine thousand
100,000 a(one) hundred thousand
502,000 five hundred (and) two thousand
999,000 nine hundred and ninety-nine thousand
1. About thirty-five thousand people flocked to the stadium.(35,000人)
2. My round trip air ticket cost one hundred twenty-three thousand yen.(123,000円)
3. We raised three hundred one thousand five hundred yen.(301,500円)
百万 one million
一千万 ten million
一億 one hundred million
The population of Japan is about one hundred twenty-eight million now.
十億 billion
The world's population is about seven billion now.(70億人)
The world's population is estimated to reach ten billion about 2080.(100億人)
一兆 one trillion
十兆 ten trillion
百兆 hundred trillion
Our national budget for the year 2011 to 2012 was ninety-two trillion.
千兆 one quadrillion