攻略! 英語リスニング
Wall Street
Not for Profit 非営利組織
associate with ~ ~と結びつけて考える、~を連想する
New York Stock Exchange ニューヨーク証券取引所
synonymous ~と同意の
get up to ~ ~をする(特に悪いことをする時に使う)
skulduggery いんちき、不正行為(目的達成の為に手段を選ばずに行う悪いこと)
represent 象徴する
Gordon Gekko 映画Wall Streetの主人公
greed 欲深さ、どん欲
Occupy Wall Street ウォール街を占拠せよ
Zuccotti Park ズコッティ公園
1. Originally I think it was where the wall was to protect the old Dutch colony
of New Amsterdam, at least that's one explanation for why it has its name.
of New Amsterdam, at least that's one explanation for why it has its name.
2. Wall Street was largely behind the subprime mortgage crisis of 2007.
3. Wall Street represented the worst of the United States. It represented
economic inequality and the system in which money controlled how the
country was run. Wall Street has taken democracy from people according to them.
economic inequality and the system in which money controlled how the
country was run. Wall Street has taken democracy from people according to them.