Ebbeling氏らは、ダイエット成功後に低脂肪食を取ると、体重のリバウンドにつながる可能性があるとの研究結果を「JAMA」(2012; 307: 2627-2634)に発表しました。この研究でEbbeling氏らは、三大栄養素(炭水化物、タンパク質、脂質)の割合が大きく異なる3種類の食事制限(低脂肪食、低GI食、超低炭水化物食)のうち、長期にわたって体重減少を維持するのにどれが有効かを比較検討しました。
情報源: 低脂肪食ダイエット VS 低炭水化物ダイエット
Ebbeling, CB. et al. Effects of dietary composition on energy expenditure during weight-loss maintenance. JAMA. 307, 2012, 2627-2634.
低脂肪食、低GI食(low-glycemic index diet)、超低炭水化物食の3種類の食事制限のうち、長期にわたって体重減少を維持するのにどれが有効かを比較検討した論文。
1) 基礎代謝、総エネルギー消費量
2) ホルモン値(レプチン、尿中コルチゾール排泄量、など)
3) メタボリックシンドロームの要素(コレステロール、中性脂肪、インスリン感受性、CRP、血圧など)
● 基礎代謝量は、減量前と比べて、低脂肪食で1日平均-205kcalと最も大きく低下。低GI食は1日平均-166kcalと中程度の低下、超低炭水化物食は1日平均-138kcalと低下の度合いは緩やかだった。
● 総エネルギー消費量も、同様のパターンで低下した(低脂肪食:1日平均-423kcal、低GI食:1日平均-297kcal、超低炭水化物食:1日平均-97kcal)。
● 肥満者で低くなるレプチン感受性は、低脂肪食<低GI食<超低炭水化物食の順となった。
****** JAMA. 2012 Jun 27;307(24):2627-34.
Effects of dietary composition on energy expenditure during weight-loss maintenance.
Ebbeling CB, Swain JF, Feldman HA, Wong WW, Hachey DL, Garcia-Lago E, Ludwig DS.
New Balance Foundation Obesity Prevention Center, Children's Hospital Boston, 300 Longwood Ave, Boston, MA 02115, USA.
CONTEXT: Reduced energy expenditure following weight loss is thought to contribute to weight gain. However, the effect of dietary composition on energy expenditure during weight-loss maintenance has not been studied.
OBJECTIVE: To examine the effects of 3 diets differing widely in macronutrient composition and glycemic load on energy expenditure following weight loss.
DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS: A controlled 3-way crossover design involving 21 overweight and obese young adults conducted at Children's Hospital Boston and Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts, between June 16, 2006, and June 21, 2010, with recruitment by newspaper advertisements and postings.
INTERVENTION: After achieving 10% to 15% weight loss while consuming a run-in diet, participants consumed an isocaloric low-fat diet (60% of energy from carbohydrate, 20% from fat, 20% from protein; high glycemic load), low-glycemic index diet (40% from carbohydrate, 40% from fat, and 20% from protein; moderate glycemic load), and very low-carbohydrate diet (10% from carbohydrate, 60% from fat, and 30% from protein; low glycemic load) in random order, each for 4 weeks.
MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Primary outcome was resting energy expenditure (REE), with secondary outcomes of total energy expenditure (TEE), hormone levels, and metabolic syndrome components.
RESULTS: Compared with the pre-weight-loss baseline, the decrease in REE was greatest with the low-fat diet (mean [95% CI], -205 [-265 to -144] kcal/d), intermediate with the low-glycemic index diet (-166 [-227 to -106] kcal/d), and least with the very low-carbohydrate diet (-138 [-198 to -77] kcal/d; overall P = .03; P for trend by glycemic load = .009). The decrease in TEE showed a similar pattern (mean [95% CI], -423 [-606 to -239] kcal/d; -297 [-479 to -115] kcal/d; and -97 [-281 to 86] kcal/d, respectively; overall P = .003; P for trend by glycemic load < .001). Hormone levels and metabolic syndrome components also varied during weight maintenance by diet (leptin, P < .001; 24-hour urinary cortisol, P = .005; indexes of peripheral [P = .02] and hepatic [P = .03] insulin sensitivity; high-density lipoprotein [HDL] cholesterol, P < .001; non-HDL cholesterol, P < .001; triglycerides, P < .001; plasminogen activator inhibitor 1, P for trend = .04; and C-reactive protein, P for trend = .05), but no consistent favorable pattern emerged.
CONCLUSION: Among overweight and obese young adults compared with pre-weight-loss energy expenditure, isocaloric feeding following 10% to 15% weight loss resulted in decreases in REE and TEE that were greatest with the low-fat diet, intermediate with the low-glycemic index diet, and least with the very low-carbohydrate diet.