from today\'s Nikkei

2010年03月01日 11時24分36秒 | 新聞記事から
製造業 設備投資削減進む 自動車・電機 2年で1割削減 需要縮小に対応

According to some data,in the manufacturing industries,they have significantly been reducing their tangible fixed assets like plants and machinery. For example, in the automoobile and electricity machinery industries, their tabgible fixed assets as of the time of October-Decemeber of 2009 declined by about 10 percent over less than 2 years since March 2008 when the highest amount of such assets in recent years was recorded.

This decling pace is far faster than that seen in the IT( Information Technology) industry after the bubble economy's collapse. This is a result responding to decreasing demand for their products.

Against the backdrop of the present global economic recession, they are certainly aiming at regaining their business profitability as soon as possible by downsizing their equipment now regarded too excessive.
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