from an editorial of Yomiuri

2006年09月19日 10時58分21秒 | 新聞記事から
括弧内はThe Daily Yomiuriの英訳。
Resurrection of Nihonbashi: It will become a model for city landscape restorations.
(Nihonbashi revival plan bridge to brighter future)

How to cover its huge cost. This will become a key factor of the project that the landscape around the Nihonbashi district in Tokyo should be reserrected.
(What can be done to raise the huge amount of funds needed to carry out a project to transfer a section of an expressway built over the revered Nihonbashi bridge in central Tokyo? The answer to this question will determine whether a cityscape disfigured by building an elevated highway in the Nihonbashi area about four decades ago can spring to life again.)

The expert panel, which has been discussing how to resurrect the landscape of Nihonbashi,which might be said as the face of the capital of Japan, has recently compiled its final report. The panel began its discussion by the prime minister's order ,and has worked out the conclusion shortly before the prime minister's term comes to an end.
(On Friday,a committee of experts studying ways to revitalize the Nihonbashi area,a symbolic icon of the nation's capital, submitted a final report on the project.The committee started discussions on the matter under the instruction of Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi in late 2005. Friday's submission of the report means the council formed a final conclusion on the project just days before the prime minister steps down.)
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