from recent news in Japan

2024年09月16日 06時55分58秒 | 翻訳・通訳
自民党総裁選で 高市、石破、小泉氏の3氏が競る 読売新聞調査によれば  決選投票の公算が大である

The Yomiuri Shimbun carried out a survey regarding the Liberal Democratic Party's presidential election whose voting and vote counting is to be held on September 27. The survey asked the party's members including its affiliated supporters and the Diet members which candidate they are choosing.

As a result of their answers tallied, the top three ones are Sanae Takaich, 63, the economic security minister, Shigeru Ishiba, 67, former general secretary of the party, and Shinjiro Koizumi,43, former environment minister. These three are vying for the top position. The most referred reason for their choosing these candidates are " we can expect much from his or her policies."

If there's no one who can secure the majority of the voting at the first ballot, the decision is carried out into a runoff between the top two candidates. Then it is highly likely that the new president will be elected in a runoff. But about 20% of the people have not decided whom they would vote for, so it is still unclear who would remain at that runoff.
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