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2024年09月17日 07時47分56秒 | 翻訳・通訳
トランプ氏 再び暗殺未遂 けがはなし 場所はゴルフ場で 銃口向けられる 58歳も容疑者は拘束される

It is learned that Donald Trump, the Democratic Party's candidate for the US presidential election in this fall was on the verge of being killed again. He was playing golf at a golf course in West Palm Beach, Florida, on the afternoon on September 15 in US time, or at dawn on the 16th in Japan time. A security guard for him found a gun from a bush was being aimed at Trump and fired a gun at it. The culprit tried to get away from the scene, but was arrested by the authority. He is aged 58. The police are investigating the case as an attempted assassination. Donald Trump remains uninjured.
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