自民新総裁に安倍氏 圧勝、6割越す464票 26日に首相指名 成長重視で改革
初の戦後生まれ 党3役 中川秀・麻生氏ら浮上
解説で、新総裁を待つ3つの関門 所信表明と補選 改革占う予算
On Wednesday, Shinzo Abe was elected the new Liberal Democratic Party president,with a landsliding victory,or 464 votes exceeding 60% of the total garnered.Abe wil be nominated the prime minister on the 26th,and will be the first prime minister who was born after World War Ⅱ.He will push forward with reforms with an emphasis put on the growth strategy. As to the party's top three executive posts, some lawmakers such as Hidenao Nakagawa and Taro Aso are referred to as candidates.
in a table, Vote counts
in a comment, Three Challenges Waiting For The New President Delivering the policy speech and by-elections Next fiscal years's budget telling his reforms
タイ クーデタ 暫定首相、2週間以内に 総選挙、1年以内に実施
In Thailand, a coup took place ,and within two weeks the provisional premier will be nominated.And a general election will be held within a year.
自動車用鋼板 JEF、中国に新工場 500億円超投資 2009年メド稼動 中国の規制受け 高炉建設は断念
JEF(IEF Steel Corporation) will build a new plant in China in oreder to produce the automobile-use steels. With more than 50 billion yen invested,the company intends to begin its operation around 2009. Against the background, due to the Chines authority's regulations, the company had to give up its initial plan to build a blast furnace there.
トヨタ 単独営業利益8割増 9月中間見通し 2008年 世界販売980万台
Toyota announced its business result for the first half of this business year through the end of September,2006,and showed that its single operating profit will increase by about 80%.Also,as to the group's worldwide sales in 2008,it is expected to be the 9.8 million level.
初の戦後生まれ 党3役 中川秀・麻生氏ら浮上
解説で、新総裁を待つ3つの関門 所信表明と補選 改革占う予算
On Wednesday, Shinzo Abe was elected the new Liberal Democratic Party president,with a landsliding victory,or 464 votes exceeding 60% of the total garnered.Abe wil be nominated the prime minister on the 26th,and will be the first prime minister who was born after World War Ⅱ.He will push forward with reforms with an emphasis put on the growth strategy. As to the party's top three executive posts, some lawmakers such as Hidenao Nakagawa and Taro Aso are referred to as candidates.
in a table, Vote counts
in a comment, Three Challenges Waiting For The New President Delivering the policy speech and by-elections Next fiscal years's budget telling his reforms
タイ クーデタ 暫定首相、2週間以内に 総選挙、1年以内に実施
In Thailand, a coup took place ,and within two weeks the provisional premier will be nominated.And a general election will be held within a year.
自動車用鋼板 JEF、中国に新工場 500億円超投資 2009年メド稼動 中国の規制受け 高炉建設は断念
JEF(IEF Steel Corporation) will build a new plant in China in oreder to produce the automobile-use steels. With more than 50 billion yen invested,the company intends to begin its operation around 2009. Against the background, due to the Chines authority's regulations, the company had to give up its initial plan to build a blast furnace there.
トヨタ 単独営業利益8割増 9月中間見通し 2008年 世界販売980万台
Toyota announced its business result for the first half of this business year through the end of September,2006,and showed that its single operating profit will increase by about 80%.Also,as to the group's worldwide sales in 2008,it is expected to be the 9.8 million level.