括弧内はThe Daily Yomiuri(9.21) による英訳。
Financial Sanctions against North Korea:After all,there is no way but to heighten the pressure to Pyongyang.
(More options needed to pressure N.Korea)
North Korea has defied returning to the 6-party talks on nuclear weapon development sespect,and also, has refused freezing to launch missiles.Considering these development, we think Japan has to strenghthen its pressure to Pyongyang.
(North Korea Has been steadfastly refusing to return to the six-way talks on its nuclear development program and has not shown any intention of agreeing to a moratorium on its missile launches.In light of this,there was no option but to increase pressure on the country.)
The government exercised the financial sanctions against North Korea. This means that the government prevents 15 groups,including trade-related firms in North Korea,and an individual, from withdrawing money from the accounts in banks in Japan and remitting money overseas from the accouts.
(The government imposed financial sanctions against North Korea on Tuesday.The sanctions effectively ban 15 North Korea-related organizations and trading firms as well as one individual from remitting funds overseas.The sanctions also prevent them from withdrawing funds from financial institutions in Japan.)
IMFreform: the situation where too much dependence is palced on The U.S. and European countries should be revised.
A small step was taken for remodeling the too much dependence towords The U.S. and European countries. But this is not yet sufficient.
In a IMF's annual meeting held in Singapore, raising each share to the IMF capital,of four countries,of China, South Korea, Mexico,and Turky, was decided.
Financial Sanctions against North Korea:After all,there is no way but to heighten the pressure to Pyongyang.
(More options needed to pressure N.Korea)
North Korea has defied returning to the 6-party talks on nuclear weapon development sespect,and also, has refused freezing to launch missiles.Considering these development, we think Japan has to strenghthen its pressure to Pyongyang.
(North Korea Has been steadfastly refusing to return to the six-way talks on its nuclear development program and has not shown any intention of agreeing to a moratorium on its missile launches.In light of this,there was no option but to increase pressure on the country.)
The government exercised the financial sanctions against North Korea. This means that the government prevents 15 groups,including trade-related firms in North Korea,and an individual, from withdrawing money from the accounts in banks in Japan and remitting money overseas from the accouts.
(The government imposed financial sanctions against North Korea on Tuesday.The sanctions effectively ban 15 North Korea-related organizations and trading firms as well as one individual from remitting funds overseas.The sanctions also prevent them from withdrawing funds from financial institutions in Japan.)
IMFreform: the situation where too much dependence is palced on The U.S. and European countries should be revised.
A small step was taken for remodeling the too much dependence towords The U.S. and European countries. But this is not yet sufficient.
In a IMF's annual meeting held in Singapore, raising each share to the IMF capital,of four countries,of China, South Korea, Mexico,and Turky, was decided.